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Esa intensidad que significa que no hay combates de tanques y aviones, ni una guerra declarada, es sin embargo una forma antigua de hacer la guerra. Se llama terrorismo.
Se llama matar a gente y sembrar el terror por doquier.
No hay guerra declarada, pero de facto hay una guerra en marcha, con dos lados armados. Por un lado, un estado soberano y por otro gente armada por el imperio para derrocar ese gobierno.
Nadie se esconde ya: el objetivo ha sido y sigue siendo derrocar al gobierno sirio.
El fin justifica los medios?
3 MAY 2012
Ceasefire violations
Anti-government people say that the security force dispersed a demonstration happened last night in the University housing units which resulted in causalities; government supporters talk about an armed clash happened in the housing units and resulted in the death of 4 students (Moustafa Al-Ahmad, Ahmad A’rab, Ahmad Al-Kjalaf and Majid Abd Al-Hadi) and the injury of 8 security men.
2 Colonels get killed and others get injured due to an ambush set by insurgents on (...)
2 MAY 2012
Ceasefire violations
Gunmen assassinate Esmael Ali Haidar, the son the president of the Syrian Nationalist party, and his friend Fadi A’tawnah nearby Al-Mahnaya located on Homs – Masyaf road.
Anti-government people talk about the Syrian Army bombardment to Al-Rastan area of Homs countryside; government supporters talk about clashes with insurgents in the same area.
Shooting happens in Bab Houd, Al-Khaldia and Jourat Al-Shayah neighborhoods; government supporters talk about clashes between (...)
1 MAY 2012
Ceasefire violations
Shooting and explosions are heard in Al-Warsheha and Al-Kala’a neighborhoods.
Pro-government activists: gunmen set checkpoints on the roads leading to Al-Sa’en village and clash with the security force.
Ahmad Bakeer from Al-Bayada neighborhood and Shadi Soltan from Al-Hamedia neighborhood get killed and anti-government activists accuse the security force of killing him.
Activists: explosions were heard last night in Al-Waer neighborhood.
A bombing device explodes (...)
3 MAY 2012
Ceasefire violations
Anti-government people say that the security force dispersed a demonstration happened last night in the University housing units which resulted in causalities; government supporters talk about an armed clash happened in the housing units and resulted in the death of 4 students (Moustafa Al-Ahmad, Ahmad A’rab, Ahmad Al-Kjalaf and Majid Abd Al-Hadi) and the injury of 8 security men.
2 Colonels get killed and others get injured due to an ambush set by insurgents on (...)
2 MAY 2012
Ceasefire violations
Gunmen assassinate Esmael Ali Haidar, the son the president of the Syrian Nationalist party, and his friend Fadi A’tawnah nearby Al-Mahnaya located on Homs – Masyaf road.
Anti-government people talk about the Syrian Army bombardment to Al-Rastan area of Homs countryside; government supporters talk about clashes with insurgents in the same area.
Shooting happens in Bab Houd, Al-Khaldia and Jourat Al-Shayah neighborhoods; government supporters talk about clashes between (...)
1 MAY 2012
Ceasefire violations
Shooting and explosions are heard in Al-Warsheha and Al-Kala’a neighborhoods.
Pro-government activists: gunmen set checkpoints on the roads leading to Al-Sa’en village and clash with the security force.
Ahmad Bakeer from Al-Bayada neighborhood and Shadi Soltan from Al-Hamedia neighborhood get killed and anti-government activists accuse the security force of killing him.
Activists: explosions were heard last night in Al-Waer neighborhood.
A bombing device explodes (...)
Esa intensidad que significa que no hay combates de tanques y aviones, ni una guerra declarada, es sin embargo una forma antigua de hacer la guerra. Se llama terrorismo.
Se llama matar a gente y sembrar el terror por doquier.
No hay guerra declarada, pero de facto hay una guerra en marcha, con dos lados armados. Por un lado, un estado soberano y por otro gente armada por el imperio para derrocar ese gobierno.
Nadie se esconde ya: el objetivo ha sido y sigue siendo derrocar al gobierno sirio.
El fin justifica los medios?
Ceasefire violations
Anti-government people say that the security force dispersed a demonstration happened last night in the University housing units which resulted in causalities; government supporters talk about an armed clash happened in the housing units and resulted in the death of 4 students (Moustafa Al-Ahmad, Ahmad A’rab, Ahmad Al-Kjalaf and Majid Abd Al-Hadi) and the injury of 8 security men.
2 Colonels get killed and others get injured due to an ambush set by insurgents on (...)
Ceasefire violations
Gunmen assassinate Esmael Ali Haidar, the son the president of the Syrian Nationalist party, and his friend Fadi A’tawnah nearby Al-Mahnaya located on Homs – Masyaf road.
Anti-government people talk about the Syrian Army bombardment to Al-Rastan area of Homs countryside; government supporters talk about clashes with insurgents in the same area.
Shooting happens in Bab Houd, Al-Khaldia and Jourat Al-Shayah neighborhoods; government supporters talk about clashes between (...)
Ceasefire violations
Shooting and explosions are heard in Al-Warsheha and Al-Kala’a neighborhoods.
Pro-government activists: gunmen set checkpoints on the roads leading to Al-Sa’en village and clash with the security force.
Ahmad Bakeer from Al-Bayada neighborhood and Shadi Soltan from Al-Hamedia neighborhood get killed and anti-government activists accuse the security force of killing him.
Activists: explosions were heard last night in Al-Waer neighborhood.
A bombing device explodes (...)
Ceasefire violations
Anti-government people say that the security force dispersed a demonstration happened last night in the University housing units which resulted in causalities; government supporters talk about an armed clash happened in the housing units and resulted in the death of 4 students (Moustafa Al-Ahmad, Ahmad A’rab, Ahmad Al-Kjalaf and Majid Abd Al-Hadi) and the injury of 8 security men.
2 Colonels get killed and others get injured due to an ambush set by insurgents on (...)
Ceasefire violations
Gunmen assassinate Esmael Ali Haidar, the son the president of the Syrian Nationalist party, and his friend Fadi A’tawnah nearby Al-Mahnaya located on Homs – Masyaf road.
Anti-government people talk about the Syrian Army bombardment to Al-Rastan area of Homs countryside; government supporters talk about clashes with insurgents in the same area.
Shooting happens in Bab Houd, Al-Khaldia and Jourat Al-Shayah neighborhoods; government supporters talk about clashes between (...)
Ceasefire violations
Shooting and explosions are heard in Al-Warsheha and Al-Kala’a neighborhoods.
Pro-government activists: gunmen set checkpoints on the roads leading to Al-Sa’en village and clash with the security force.
Ahmad Bakeer from Al-Bayada neighborhood and Shadi Soltan from Al-Hamedia neighborhood get killed and anti-government activists accuse the security force of killing him.
Activists: explosions were heard last night in Al-Waer neighborhood.
A bombing device explodes (...)
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