Cuando una potencia imperialista y criminal como USA:
.- Te coloca a un agente suyo como jefe de estado
.- Te monta operaciones especiales en tu territorio soberano y fracasa
.- Te monta revoluciones supuestamente democráticas y fracasa
.- Financia todo tipo de movimiento y elementos para desestabilizar tu gobierno
.- Critica tu independencia, lo que opinas y te amenaza por ello.
.- Te coloca en "su"lista negra de países malvados
.- Te coloca como gobierno terrorista por criticar a Israel y sus sionismo
.- Te censura por decir que Israel es una potencia atómica.
.- Te hace el vacío en la ONU y te difama para que no se oiga tu voz, con la complicidad de la prensa
.- Te acusa de terrorismo, y te imputa sin pruebas en atentados sin resolver
.- Toma sanciones económicas unilaterales sin justificación legal alguna
.- Te prohibe quejarte y defenderte por ello.
.- Te prohibe ser libre y generar tu propia energía
.- Anhela tus recursos
.- Asesina a tus cientificos
.- Monta atentados terroristas en tu pais
.- Te amenaza si no les dejas pasar por tus aguas territoriales
.- Te acusa de lo que sea y te amenaza con una guerra desproporcionada, ilegal y criminal
Nos lo creemos todo, y con la connivencia de la prensa atlantista cuela el mensaje de que IRAN son los malos.
Los malos son los otros.
Cualquier país soberano tiene derecho a defenderse, y a armarse para defender su libertad e independencia.
Si USA entabla con su socio Israel esta nueva aventura militarista, belicosa y suicida, que nadie se espere que Iran se cruzará de brazos.
Habrá represalias, y a su vez más guerra y más represalias.
Estaremos en los albores de una gran guerra? la tercera guerra mundial?
Todo apunta a ello: la economía la necesita, los países en banca rota la piden, los lobbys la piden, la banca la desea, las petroleras la desean, la industria armamentística la necesita, Israel quiere más poder y odia a Irán, los paises del golfo temen a Iran y quieren debilitarlo...
El amigo Obama entre otros usaron la responsabilidad de proteger para cometer sus atrocidades. R2P.
¿Acaso un país soberano no tiene esa responsabilidad ante unos belicistas como estos?
¿O es que el matón de la clase ya no le puede parar nadie y le dejamos que nos pegue más fuerte sin decirselo a nadie?
USA ya ha mentido mil y una vez para fabricarse su historia, y justificar lo injustificable. Ya lo estamos viendo y lo hemos visto con Iran.
Seguirá el mundo impasible ante estos locos que sólo ven guerras y muerte?
Seguirá el mundo impasible ante las violaciones de la legalidad internacional más básica, ante el derecho y ante la justicia mundial?
Seguiremos pensando que son nuestros salvadores y los defensores de la libertad y la democracia?
domingo, 8 de enero de 2012
Hace cuatro años anuncié lo de Urdangarin
Hace cuatro años anuncié lo de Urdangarin
Iñaki, no el de la princesa, sino el del PNV, nos ilumina con sus experiencias parlamentarias y la casa Real española.
Siria: otro concepto equivocado
Syria: another misconception
SYRIA, the heart of the Middle East, in both a geostrategic and nationalist context. It shares borders with Iraq, Lebanon (where it has bases), Israel, Turkey and Iran, with which last country it has a strong alliance, recently confirmed by Iranian President Ahmadinejad in the context of the current heightened European and U.S. aggression against Syria, when he stated that Iran will not permit any foreign injustice there.
Syria has always been a staunch defender of Palestine, with more than 472,000 refugees from that country, and lost its territory of the Golan Heights to Israel, occupied by this country during its expansionist war of 1967, and a territory it still reclaims.
The Syrian Constitution of 1973 officially defines the country as a secular socialist state, with Islam recognized as the majority religion. Since then it has succeeded in maintaining a stable multi-religious nation, including Coptic Christians and Jews, as well as other Muslim denominations, with a steady economic and social development, despite sanctions imposed by the United States in the late 1970s, when it was first listed as a state sponsor of terrorism.
Its geostrategic and nationalist position has placed Syria in the sights of the United States and European allies with two objectives: firstly, to weaken resistance to its regional gendarme Israel and further isolate Iran, and secondly to further its battle to control the Middle East and the region’s oil supplies.
The outbreak of violence in Syria this past March, as in the case of Libya, was neither spontaneous or essentially nationalist in content, but it enabled the United States to take advantage of the winds of change in the region, affording it a perceived and long desired opportunity to replace the current Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad with one more compliant to its requirements.
While a genuine national opposition in Syria exists, from the outset the civil conflict in the country was fuelled from external forces entering from neighboring Egypt and Turkey. All of the clashes between government forces and the so-called opposition initially occurred in the vicinity of its borders, in a replication of Libya’s Benghazi. Unsurprisingly, there is very little information available on Internet about this infiltration of elite forces, precisely intended to cause destabilization in the country. But, in general terms, the opposition is highly split, lacks a popular program or a coherent ideology, and has as its leader a Syrian previously exiled in France.
In the context of this national conflict, Syria has engaged in a policy of nationwide popular consultation directed at constitutional reforms in order to hold parliamentary elections in February of 2012 – with presidential elections scheduled for 2014 – in conjunction with social reforms and negotiations for a peaceful solution, while insisting on its sovereignty in the resolution of national problems. In November it lodged a formal complaint against the United States for intervention in its internal affairs.
As was the case in Libya, the corporate media has played its premeditated role, particularly since the outbreak of armed violence in Syria. Initially it deliberately confused civilian detentions with the arrest of persons involved in acts of violence against the state and, as the situation developed, civilian deaths with those of members of terrorist groups and the Syrian armed forces.
Post-Libya, this disinformation campaign increased, paralleling the intoxication of the European neocolonial powers within NATO and the United States at having bent the United Nations to their will of destroying that country without having to send in ground forces, and anticipating the extension of this ‘successful’ new model of war to Syria.
Growing mass rallies of support for the Syrian government in Damascus and other major cities were ignored. Recent news reports of thousands of civilian deaths, accepted by the UN and Amnesty International, have been grossly exaggerated, with one based on no more than a telephone survey of alleged fatalities of Syrians who are on fact fully alive. Protests against Arab League intervention at the end of November led to an eruption of popular support with demonstrations of more than 1.6 million citizens. These were met with silence.
In the sobering wake of the Libyan disaster, the support of Russia, China and other emerging countries for a peaceful regional solution to the Syrian conflict has deterred a military intervention, but harsh UN sanctions are in place and the Arab League in its compliant majority has been actively mobilized to further and legitimize an imperialist intervention in the perception of international public opinion.
On December 7, President Bashar al-Assad intelligently granted an interview in Damascus to Barbara Walters of the American ABC news channel. Described by ABC as unexpected and the first that he had "deigned" to give since the conflict began, her hostile tone was clearly part of a propaganda exercise. At one point in the interview, conducted in English, she asked him, "What do you think is the biggest misconception that my country has of what's happening here, if indeed there is a misconception?
President al-Assad’s perceptive reply was, "Misconception about a lot of things…it's so many facts, distorted facts, you have them in the media. But the most important thing, as accumulation of these facts, is that you don't have vision. The problem with the West in general, especially the United States, is that they don't have vision about – at least my region, I wouldn't talk about the rest of the world – failing in Iraq, failing in Afghanistan, failing in fighting terrorism."
SYRIA, the heart of the Middle East, in both a geostrategic and nationalist context. It shares borders with Iraq, Lebanon (where it has bases), Israel, Turkey and Iran, with which last country it has a strong alliance, recently confirmed by Iranian President Ahmadinejad in the context of the current heightened European and U.S. aggression against Syria, when he stated that Iran will not permit any foreign injustice there.
Syria has always been a staunch defender of Palestine, with more than 472,000 refugees from that country, and lost its territory of the Golan Heights to Israel, occupied by this country during its expansionist war of 1967, and a territory it still reclaims.
The Syrian Constitution of 1973 officially defines the country as a secular socialist state, with Islam recognized as the majority religion. Since then it has succeeded in maintaining a stable multi-religious nation, including Coptic Christians and Jews, as well as other Muslim denominations, with a steady economic and social development, despite sanctions imposed by the United States in the late 1970s, when it was first listed as a state sponsor of terrorism.
Its geostrategic and nationalist position has placed Syria in the sights of the United States and European allies with two objectives: firstly, to weaken resistance to its regional gendarme Israel and further isolate Iran, and secondly to further its battle to control the Middle East and the region’s oil supplies.
The outbreak of violence in Syria this past March, as in the case of Libya, was neither spontaneous or essentially nationalist in content, but it enabled the United States to take advantage of the winds of change in the region, affording it a perceived and long desired opportunity to replace the current Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad with one more compliant to its requirements.
While a genuine national opposition in Syria exists, from the outset the civil conflict in the country was fuelled from external forces entering from neighboring Egypt and Turkey. All of the clashes between government forces and the so-called opposition initially occurred in the vicinity of its borders, in a replication of Libya’s Benghazi. Unsurprisingly, there is very little information available on Internet about this infiltration of elite forces, precisely intended to cause destabilization in the country. But, in general terms, the opposition is highly split, lacks a popular program or a coherent ideology, and has as its leader a Syrian previously exiled in France.
In the context of this national conflict, Syria has engaged in a policy of nationwide popular consultation directed at constitutional reforms in order to hold parliamentary elections in February of 2012 – with presidential elections scheduled for 2014 – in conjunction with social reforms and negotiations for a peaceful solution, while insisting on its sovereignty in the resolution of national problems. In November it lodged a formal complaint against the United States for intervention in its internal affairs.
As was the case in Libya, the corporate media has played its premeditated role, particularly since the outbreak of armed violence in Syria. Initially it deliberately confused civilian detentions with the arrest of persons involved in acts of violence against the state and, as the situation developed, civilian deaths with those of members of terrorist groups and the Syrian armed forces.
Post-Libya, this disinformation campaign increased, paralleling the intoxication of the European neocolonial powers within NATO and the United States at having bent the United Nations to their will of destroying that country without having to send in ground forces, and anticipating the extension of this ‘successful’ new model of war to Syria.
Growing mass rallies of support for the Syrian government in Damascus and other major cities were ignored. Recent news reports of thousands of civilian deaths, accepted by the UN and Amnesty International, have been grossly exaggerated, with one based on no more than a telephone survey of alleged fatalities of Syrians who are on fact fully alive. Protests against Arab League intervention at the end of November led to an eruption of popular support with demonstrations of more than 1.6 million citizens. These were met with silence.
In the sobering wake of the Libyan disaster, the support of Russia, China and other emerging countries for a peaceful regional solution to the Syrian conflict has deterred a military intervention, but harsh UN sanctions are in place and the Arab League in its compliant majority has been actively mobilized to further and legitimize an imperialist intervention in the perception of international public opinion.
On December 7, President Bashar al-Assad intelligently granted an interview in Damascus to Barbara Walters of the American ABC news channel. Described by ABC as unexpected and the first that he had "deigned" to give since the conflict began, her hostile tone was clearly part of a propaganda exercise. At one point in the interview, conducted in English, she asked him, "What do you think is the biggest misconception that my country has of what's happening here, if indeed there is a misconception?
President al-Assad’s perceptive reply was, "Misconception about a lot of things…it's so many facts, distorted facts, you have them in the media. But the most important thing, as accumulation of these facts, is that you don't have vision. The problem with the West in general, especially the United States, is that they don't have vision about – at least my region, I wouldn't talk about the rest of the world – failing in Iraq, failing in Afghanistan, failing in fighting terrorism."
How to reduce budget increasing war capabilities
È crisi anche per il bilancio militare 450 miliardi di tagli in dieci anni
Obama e Panetta annunciano «la nuova strategia» I risparmi si faranno riducendo le forze terrestri e tagliando i benefit dei veterani
«Dopo un decennio di guerra gli Stati uniti stanno voltando pagina»: lo ha detto ieri il presidente Obama nella conferenza stampa al Pentagono, presentando la nuova strategia insieme al segretario alla difesa Leon Panetta. Le forze armate statunitensi diverranno «più snelle», rendendo possibili tagli al bilancio militare per l'ammontare di 450 miliardi di dollari in dieci anni. Il messaggio propagandistico è chiaro: in tempo di crisi anche le forze armate devono stringere la cinghia. Il Pentagono sta dunque disarmando? Tutt'altro: sta razionalizzando l'uso delle risorse per rendere la sua macchina bellica ancora più efficiente.
La spesa militare Usa, che è quasi raddoppiata lo scorso decennio, ammonta secondo il Sipri al 43% di quella mondiale. Ma, incluse altre spese di carattere militare, supera il 50% di quella mondiale. Per il 2012, il Pentagono riceve 553 miliardi di dollari, salendo di 23 miliardi rispetto al 2010. Si aggiungono a questi 118 miliardi per la guerra in Afghanistan e per le «attività di transizione in Iraq» e 17 per le armi nucleari, del cui mantenimento si occupa il Dipartimento dell'energia. Comprese altre spese di carattere militare, tra cui 124 miliardi per i militari a riposo e 47 per il Dipartimento della sicurezza della patria, la spesa militare Usa supera i 900 miliardi di dollari, circa un quarto del bilancio federale.
Su questo sfondo di colloca l'annunciato taglio di 45 miliardi annui nel prossimo decennio. I risparmi dovrebbero essere effettuati soprattuttto riducendo le forze terrestri, da 570mila a 520mila effettivi, e restringendo i benefit (compresa l'assistenza medica) dei veterani. La riduzione delle forze terrestri si inquadra nella nuova strategia, testata con la guerra di Libia: è il nuovo modo di fare la guerra - sostengono a Washington - che ha dimostrato come potenze di media grandezza possano essere sconfitte e i loro leader rovesciati, usando la schiacciante superiorità aerea e navale Usa/Nato e facendo assumere il peso maggiore agli alleati. Non per questo le guerre costano meno: i fondi necessari, come è avvenuto per l'operazione contro la Libia, vengono autorizzati dal Congresso di volta in volta, aggiungendoli al bilancio del Pentagono.
Le forze Usa, ha sottolineato Panetta, diverranno più agili, più flessibili e pronte ad essere dispiegate rapidamente. Con esse, gli Usa saranno in grado di affrontare e sconfiggere più di un avversario contemporaneamente. Ciò sarà reso possibile dal fatto che, mentre ridurranno le forze terrestri, gli Usa acquisiranno nuove capacità militari, puntando su sistemi d'arma ad alta tecnologia e sul controllo dello spazio. La nuova strategia prevede, allo stesso tempo, un uso sempre maggiore dei servizi segreti e delle forze speciali.
Quando era direttore della Cia (una delle 17 organizzazioni federali della «comunità di intelligence»), Panetta ha accelerato la trasformazione dell'agenzia in una vera e propria organizzazione militare: essa ha impiegato in misura crescente droni armati negli attacchi in Afghanistan e Pakistan e costituito basi segrete per le operazioni di commandos nello Yemen e in altri paesi. Come è emerso da un'inchiesta del Washington Post, le forze per le operazioni speciali sono oggi dispiegate in 75 paesi, rispetto a 60 due anni fa, e sono affiancate sempre più da mercenari di compagnie militari private, che agiscono anch'essi nell'ombra. La guerra viene così condotta in forme meno visibili, ma non per questo meno costose. Il budget dei servizi segreti è infatti «classificato», ossia segreto. Nessuno può quindi sapere a quanto ammonti realmente la spesa militare statunitense.
Gli Stati uniti, prevede la nuova strategia, dovranno essere in grado di sostenere e vincere un conflitto di grosse proporzioni, mantenendo allo stesso tempo la capacità di bloccare un altro maggiore avversario in un'altra regione e condurre inoltre operazioni di «controterrorismo» e imposizione di «no-fly zone». Per questo avranno bisogno dei più avanzati sistemi d'arma, come il caccia F-35, la cui realizzazione, con qualche aggiustamento, proseguirà (anche perché serve a rafforzare la leadership statunitense sugli alleati). Gli Usa avranno allo stesso tempo bisogno di forze nucleari sempre pronte all'attacco: a tal fine, annuncia il Pentagono, «l'Amministrazione modernizzerà l'arsenale nucleare e il complesso che lo sostiene». La spesa non è quantificata, ma certamente sarà enorme.
Quello annunciato a Washington non è dunque un rallentamento della corsa agli armamenti, ma un aggiustamento che prelude a una nuova escalation bellica e quindi a un ulteriore aumento della spesa militare mondiale, che già supera 3 milioni di dollari al minuto. Panetta ha chiarito che la nuova strategia ha come centro focale il Medio Oriente e la regione Asia/Pacifico, facendo capire che gli Usa tengono sotto mira Iran e Siria e intendono contrapporsi militarmente alla Cina e alla Russia. Il presidente Obama ha annunciato che «anche se le nostre truppe continuano a combattere in Afghanistan, la marea della guerra sta calando», ma ha messo in chiaro che «gli Stati uniti manterranno la propria superiorità militare». Il suo scopo è dichiarato nel titolo del rapporto con cui il Pentagono enuncia la nuova strategia: «Sostenere la leadership globale degli Usa». Che «stanno voltando pagina» andando indietro nella storia, ai tempi d'oro dell'imperialismo.
Un culpable y su cómplice
Se llama Nabucco. Tiene nombre, tiene trazado, tiene web, tiene accionistas, y tienen muchos paises detrás.
Este mapa, visto así explica poco, pero lo que está aconteciendo en el mundo desde hace años hasta el día de hoy puede ser revelador.
Este oleo/gasoducto debería transportar nada más y nada menos que materia prima desde Irán e Irak básicamente.
Irán e Irak. Vaya. Irak está en un estado lamentable tal como lo ha abandonado Obama. En estado de guerra civil que han potenciado, fomentado, favorecido, e incluso financiado.
Eso sí, el gobierno es títere y supeditado al imperio.
Y qué pasa con Irán? pues eso es lo que hay que ver.
La alternativa Agri, ya ha causado sus conflictos en Georgia.
Debe ser que lo que cuesta y el beneficio que se espera sacar de ahí merece la pena:
15.000 millones de € cuesta la broma. O eso dicen, pero cuando se habla de recursos naturales, de energía, de paises en desarrollo, y de dinero, estamos hablando de intereses, de corrupción, de robos, y de guerras para debilitar, amedrentar , chantajear y derrocar gobiernos para colocar a los amigos.
Aquí hay culpables de que no haya paz en el mundo:
Más tensión en el golfo pérsico
El € está a 1.273 frente al $ cuando se atiza la tensión en el golfo, y seguro que ya se está especulando sobre el precio del crudo a futuro.
Un insensato ministro de defensa británico amenaza a Irán si cierra el estrecho de Ormuz.
Hay que aclarar que ese tono belicoso y amenazante está fuera de todo tipo de diplomacia y legalidad.
Además Inglaterra no tienen soberanía sobre esas aguas de ninguna forma, e Irán es libre de abrir o cerrar el paso en sus aguas territoriales a quien estime oportuno, sobre todo si los que amenazan a un estado soberano son los que quieren transitar sus barcos, con su petróleo y mercancías por ahí.
Enviar al destructor más puntero por parte de la royal navy, tampoco ayuda a rebajar la tensión en la zona.
Un insensato ministro de defensa británico amenaza a Irán si cierra el estrecho de Ormuz.
Hay que aclarar que ese tono belicoso y amenazante está fuera de todo tipo de diplomacia y legalidad.
Además Inglaterra no tienen soberanía sobre esas aguas de ninguna forma, e Irán es libre de abrir o cerrar el paso en sus aguas territoriales a quien estime oportuno, sobre todo si los que amenazan a un estado soberano son los que quieren transitar sus barcos, con su petróleo y mercancías por ahí.
Enviar al destructor más puntero por parte de la royal navy, tampoco ayuda a rebajar la tensión en la zona.
Por no ayudar, no ayuda a los ingleses, que siguen los pasos de sus amos americanos en esa huída hacia delante guerreando, y pensando que la única solución a la crisis de la deuda son las guerras.
Aghanistán, Irak, Libia, y ahora Irán?
En qué presupuesto cabe que un país pueda sostener ese nivel militarista sin consecuencias nefastas?
Pero ojo, criticar el militarismo salvaje de los americanos, los ingleses y la OTAN tiene su precio.
Igual que cuando se intentó silenciar Al-manar en 2006.
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