Kony2012, tiene nombre de operación militar.
Pero está amparado en una ONG que nunca antes se había oido hablar de ella: "los niños invisibles".
Suena como a esas organizaciones unipersonales de derechos humanos que han surgido en Siria, pero afincadas en Inglaterra u otros países, cuyos fines no dejan de sorprender ( por decirlo de forma suave), y cuyos métodos e informes son casi la única fuente de la que bebe el mundo occidental.
Desde hace bastante tiempo, se está usando a la infancia, como medio de presión al público. Quién va a ser insensible a que los niños sufran? No te puedes negar. Si te niegas es que eres un monstruo, por lo tanto, ahí está el hueco para sembrar propaganda para todos los públicos.
Alguien se acuerda de la famosas incubadoras de Kuwait, cuando entraron los irakíes?
Luego quedó muy claro cómo se manipuló y con qué fin.
Hace más de 40 años, una foto de una niña vietnamita desnuda huyendo de los bombardeos dio la vuelta al mundo y removió consciencias en todas partes.
Los americanos dicen que por eso perdieron la guerra: porque se informó de una forma independiente e impactante.
Antes existía gente independiente, y se publicaba. Ahora NO.
Kony 2012, no deja de ser propaganda barata, muy bien hecha eso sí, con todos los medios técnicos y audiovisuales para que el mensaje cale.
Tanto que ya es viral.
Que cada uno se componga la obra como quiera. Demasiados frentes se están abriendo. La cuestión es ¿porqué?
- Again lost in this frenzy is what the actual people of Uganda think about the video.
– Dr Beatrice Mpora, director of Kairos, a community health organisation in Gulu, a town that was once the centre of the rebels’ activities.
“What that video says is totally wrong, and it can cause us more problems than help us. There has not been a single soul from the LRA here since 2006. Now we have peace, people are back in their homes, they are planting their fields, they are starting their businesses. That is what people should help us with.”
- Javie Ssozi, an influential Ugandan blogger.
“Suggesting that the answer is more military action is just wrong. Have they thought of the consequences? Making Kony ‘famous’ could make him stronger. Arguing for more US troops could make him scared, and make him abduct more children, or go on the offensive.”
- Rosebell Kagumire, a Ugandan journalist specialising in peace and conflict reporting.
This paints a picture of Uganda six or seven years ago, that is totally not how it is today. It’s highly irresponsible”.
There’s a rather skeptical view from this BBC correspondent, which raises similar points to this thread.
Joseph Kony campaign under fire
The extraordinarily sudden success, if that is the right word, of the social media campaign by three American advocacy groups aimed at shining a big spotlight on the notorious Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony has prompted some scathing reactions from plenty of well-informed quarters. …
The Youtube link to the video in question “Kony 2012″ from the NGO “Invisible Children” (38 Million views in 2 days

Saw the story/video earlier in the Guardian. It is interesting that after Obama ordered 100 JSOC troops to go after Kony that 3 months later this video appears and goes viral instantly. Some more of this “Soft Power” approach to US objectives? Some quotes from one of the Guardian stories:
Foreign Affairs magazine has accused the organization of “manipulat[ing] facts for strategic purposes.” Charity Navigator has given Invisible Children a two-star rating in accountability out of a possible four.
Critics point out that the campaign calls on the public to pressure the US to continue working with the Ugandan military, an organisation that has its own record of abuses. “The Ugandan army continues to commit politically motivated abuses in Uganda,” Maria Burnett, senior researcher with Human Rights Watch, Africa Division, told the Guardian.
“We have documented numerous cases in which they’ve been involved in torture and arbitrary arrests, as well as a score of killings of unarmed protesters and bystanders during political demonstrations in the past three years.”
Of course this sudden interest in Kony (after 20 years of the LRA operating with impunity) has nothing to do with 2-6 Billion barrels of oil discovered in the Lake Albert basin in 2006. Production was set to begin in 2013 on the field but due to it being close to Kony’s stronghold it was pushed back to 2015. Did I mention that the Albert basin’s oil is owned through a Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) by British oil company Tullow Oil and US firm ExxonMobil? Also if you have the time read some Wikileaks cables on Uganda corruption and ExxonMobil.
The Kony video is a fraud…we know it is simply because so many people have seen it or been made to. When real truth videos have troube racking up their first million, this one seems to have been gifted a superhighway into the hearts of the voting public
Not eveyone has been fooled though