Hay que parar al Krakken
lunes, 30 de enero de 2012
domingo, 29 de enero de 2012
Ese, o esos son los que hay que controlar si queremos hacer las cosas bien. LLevo casi toda mi vida oyendo ese nombre y lo único que sabía es que eran muy muy ricos. Era el ejemplo de super rico. Con un rascacielos y todo.
Ahora se ve que hay muchas cosas más, porque ahora tenemos acceso a más información.
Cuando empiezas a rebuscar en la mierda, siempre acabas cayendo con este apellido. Y este es sólo uno de los tantos Rockefeller que hay por el mundo y sobre todo en USA.
Los monopolios farmaceuticos
Chapter 9: The Drug Trust
In 1987, the eighteen largest drug firms were ranked as follows:
1. Merck (U.S.) $4.2 billion in sales.
2. Glaxo Holdings (United Kingdom) $3.4 billion.
3. Hoffman LaRoche (Switzerland) $3.1 billion.
4. Smith Kline Beckman (U.S.) $2.8 billion.
5. Ciba-Geigy (Switzerland) $2.7 billion.
6. Pfizer (U.S.) $2.5 billion (Standard & Poor's gives its sales as $4 billion).
7. Hoechst A.G. (Germany) $2.5 billion (Standard & Poor's lists its sales as $38 billion Deutschmarks).
8. American Home Products (U.S.) $2.4 billion ($4.93 billion according to Standard & Poor's).
9. Lilly (U.S.) $2.3 billion ($3.72 billion Standard & Poor's).
10. Upjohn (U.S.) $2 billion.
11. Squibb (U.S.) $2 billion.
12. Johnson & Johnson (U.S.) $1.9 billion.
13. Sandoz (Switzerland) $1.8 billion.
14. Bristol Myers (U.S.) $1.6 billion.
15. Beecham Group (United Kingdom) $1.4 billion (Standard & Poor's gives $1.4 billion in sales of the U.S. subsidiary -- $2.6 billion pounds sterling as overall income).
16. Bayer A.G. (Germany) $1.4 billion (Standard & Poor's gives the figure as $45.9 billion Deutschmarks).
17. Syntex (U.S.) $1.1 billion.
18. Warner Lambert (U.S.) $1.1 billion (Standard & Poor's gives the figure as $3.1 billion).
Thus we find that the United States still maintains an overwhelming lead in the production and sale of drugs. In the United States, the sale of prescription drugs rose in 1987 by 12.5% to $27 billion. Eleven of the eighteen leading firms are located in the United States; three in Switzerland; two in Germany; and two in the United Kingdom. Nutritionist T.J. Frye notes that the Drug Trust in the United States is controlled by the Rockefeller group in a cartel relationship with I.G. Farben of Germany...
Las famosas agencias de rating
El gran negocio del oro negro
Y eso que estamos en el siglo XXI
Ahora se ve que hay muchas cosas más, porque ahora tenemos acceso a más información.
Cuando empiezas a rebuscar en la mierda, siempre acabas cayendo con este apellido. Y este es sólo uno de los tantos Rockefeller que hay por el mundo y sobre todo en USA.
Los monopolios farmaceuticos
Chapter 9: The Drug Trust
In 1987, the eighteen largest drug firms were ranked as follows:
1. Merck (U.S.) $4.2 billion in sales.
2. Glaxo Holdings (United Kingdom) $3.4 billion.
3. Hoffman LaRoche (Switzerland) $3.1 billion.
4. Smith Kline Beckman (U.S.) $2.8 billion.
5. Ciba-Geigy (Switzerland) $2.7 billion.
6. Pfizer (U.S.) $2.5 billion (Standard & Poor's gives its sales as $4 billion).
7. Hoechst A.G. (Germany) $2.5 billion (Standard & Poor's lists its sales as $38 billion Deutschmarks).
8. American Home Products (U.S.) $2.4 billion ($4.93 billion according to Standard & Poor's).
9. Lilly (U.S.) $2.3 billion ($3.72 billion Standard & Poor's).
10. Upjohn (U.S.) $2 billion.
11. Squibb (U.S.) $2 billion.
12. Johnson & Johnson (U.S.) $1.9 billion.
13. Sandoz (Switzerland) $1.8 billion.
14. Bristol Myers (U.S.) $1.6 billion.
15. Beecham Group (United Kingdom) $1.4 billion (Standard & Poor's gives $1.4 billion in sales of the U.S. subsidiary -- $2.6 billion pounds sterling as overall income).
16. Bayer A.G. (Germany) $1.4 billion (Standard & Poor's gives the figure as $45.9 billion Deutschmarks).
17. Syntex (U.S.) $1.1 billion.
18. Warner Lambert (U.S.) $1.1 billion (Standard & Poor's gives the figure as $3.1 billion).
Thus we find that the United States still maintains an overwhelming lead in the production and sale of drugs. In the United States, the sale of prescription drugs rose in 1987 by 12.5% to $27 billion. Eleven of the eighteen leading firms are located in the United States; three in Switzerland; two in Germany; and two in the United Kingdom. Nutritionist T.J. Frye notes that the Drug Trust in the United States is controlled by the Rockefeller group in a cartel relationship with I.G. Farben of Germany...
que son la mayoría americanas, y se permiten opinar y sentar cátedra en los mercados de lo que vale un país. Mercados, por cierto que a su vez controlan y asesoran.
Standard & Poor's (S&P) ya tomó una decisión similar el pasado 13 de enero, cuando rebajó a nueve miembros del euro, entre los que estaban Francia y Austria, que se quedaron sin la matrícula de honor que supone la AAA.
Pero se puede cotejar más claramente aquí :
John D. Rockefeller: The Ultimate Oil ManY standard OIL es esto, claro que OIL también es una aseguradora ( Oil Insurance limited) basada en un paraíso fiscal como las bermudas....
Tirar del hilo es fácil, pero hace falta tiempo y dinero. Ellos lo tienen todo para esconderse, yo ni el tiempo ni el dinero.
No deja de ser un circulo vicioso empieces por donde empieces. Aunque la estructura piramidal donde hay una cabeza que manda sobre todo lo demás me recuerda a esto
Y para que esa idea nos sea mucho más digerible nos la venden en películas muy bien hechas y entretenidas donde ocurre justo eso. Pero eso será otro tema a tratar...
Luego hablan de los conspiracionistas, que no tenemos ni tiempo ni dinero ni para conspirar contra la lavadora.
sábado, 28 de enero de 2012
Otro posible "casus belli" para atacar Iran
Otra forma para empezar una guerra sería esta, en el que se cambia simplemente de nave pero el procedimiento es el mismo.
Según dicen, el USS Enterprise está a punto de ser jubilado, y sale mucho más rentable hundir el barco con submarinos amigos ( Judíos claro) y echarle la culpa a otro.
Vamos a dejar constancia de este análisis para que si algún ataque ocurre, ver cual va a ser la excusa que use el imperio.
Posiblemente se inventen algo imposible de imaginar, aunque ellos sí.
Lo del 11/S por ejemplo.
Según dicen, el USS Enterprise está a punto de ser jubilado, y sale mucho más rentable hundir el barco con submarinos amigos ( Judíos claro) y echarle la culpa a otro.
Vamos a dejar constancia de este análisis para que si algún ataque ocurre, ver cual va a ser la excusa que use el imperio.
Posiblemente se inventen algo imposible de imaginar, aunque ellos sí.
Lo del 11/S por ejemplo.
jueves, 26 de enero de 2012
Ban Ki Moon es un corrupto
Ban Ki Moon es un corrupto.
En este informe interno de la ONU que él mismo intentó censurar, y del cual no ha habido repercusiones mediáticas en ninguna parte y en ningún país salvo los afectados por su corrupción, se sacan a la luz todos los trapos sucios de la ONU, de su secretario general y de cómo a través de corromper al jefe se consigue que una organización entera sirva intereses particulares.
End of Assignment Report
Inga-Britt Ahlenius Under-Secretary-General for Oversight Services
"After seven years with the United Nations, of which I served five as the Under-Secretary- General for Internal Oversight Services (USG/OIOS), I now leave the United Nations, proud of the opportunity given to me to serve this precious Organization..."
“The Secretary-General may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security”http://www.voltairenet.org/Lettre-ouverte-au-deshonorable-Ban
"The Secretary-General has a balance to strike: to find the right position between being seen as "too strong" and being "weak" to be just right to maintain and uphold the relevance of the Organization. A Secretary-General that is seen as "too strong" will certainly receive signals by Member States that will bring him back to "balance". A situation with a weak Secretary-General is more difficult, more subtle. It will take time to see that the balance is lost. There will probably be no early signals from Member States who might not see any "problem", but rather see the situation as comfortable, the Secretary-General being seen as "harmless", pragmatically accommodating and therefore seen as convenient to Member States."
martes, 24 de enero de 2012
Los fachas: verdades como puños
Es Martínez el facha, para quienes no le conozcan, un personaje creado por el dibujante Kim, publicado desde hace años en El jueves.
Ahora le da vida un actorazo gallego de la talla de Manuel Manquiña de una forma soberbia y fiel.
Ahora le da vida un actorazo gallego de la talla de Manuel Manquiña de una forma soberbia y fiel.
Apto sólo para mentes abiertas
Hay que reirse de vez en cuando...
El FBI 'chapa' Megaupload y detiene a sus propietarios
Se teme que sea solo el primero de una larga lista de cierres
El Jueves .-. Modgi | 20 de enero de 2012, 09:11

PIRRIIIP, PIRRIIIP. ¿Oís eso? Es el sonido de vuestro próximo dispositivo de conexión a Internet: ¡Un fantástico módem de 56K! Sí, amigos, porque volvemos a los años 90. La época en que Internet sólo servía para consultar el correo, ligar por MSN y, cuando habías acabado de hacer esas dos cosas… ¡Volver a consultar el correo!
El FBI, mediante el sonado cierre de Megaupload, ha conseguido rescribir La Biblia. Porque a partir de ahora los jinetes del Apocalipsis no serán cuatro si no cinco: La Guerra, La Peste, El Hambre, La Muerte y El Aburrimiento.
Para empezar, más de la mitad de los responsables de Megaupload ya han sido detenidos y puestos a disposición judicial. Les pueden caer hasta 50 años de prisión y serán acusados (entre otras) de violación de la propiedad intelectual. Y ya sabéis cómo tratan en la cárcel a los violadores (guiño-guiño, codito, pastilla de jabón). No he estado nunca en chirona, pero algo me dice que allí no les va a servir la excusa del “hoy ya has visto 72 minutos, clica aquí para obtener una cuenta Premium”. Alguien va a tener un ADSL gratis de 26cm reales.
Duchas aparte, es curioso que la detención se haya producido justo después del gran apagón digital. Aquél en el que los gigantes de Internet como Google, Facebook, Wikipedia y hasta Greenpeace (que se apuntan a cualquier fiesta en la que les dejen comer hamburguesas de tofu) les dijeran al Congreso que o rectificaban la Ley SOPA o iban a convertir Silicon Valley en un campamento de barracas (en el caso de Greenpeace, en un “barrio de etnia gitana”). Ah, pero la cosa cambia para las empresas con domicilio fiscal en USA, ¿verdad? Allí la única “lista negra” que hay es Oprah Winfrey. En cambio, los magnates de Megaupload cometieron el error 404 de vivir en Nueva Zelanda, y eso implica que ahora tendrán que protagonizar escenas como ésta:
- ¿Y tú por qué estás aquí?
- Maté a una pareja, a sus 5 hijos y al gatito. Luego arrojé sus cadáveres al Mississippi. Y ¿tú?
- Compartí un disco de Alejandro Sanz.
- ¡Dios, maldito monstruo inhumano! Por cierto, ¿Tienes jabón?
Ahora nos reímos, pero pronto lloraremos. Intentad imaginar un mundo sin series por Internet. Sin otra música que escuchar que la que sale de las oficinas de la SGAE. Un paisaje gris, incomunicado y claustrofóbico. Un lugar horrible y deprimente en el que ver crecer a tus hijos. En definitiva, lo que los habitantes de Corea del Norte llamarían “casa”. Pues pronto, ésa será nuestra casa.
Hay quien dice que las órdenes vienen de arriba. Y cuando digo de arriba no me refiero al Gobierno americano, ni al Club Bilderberg, ni al contubernio judeo-masónico. Me refiero a Steve Jobs, Mr. 0’75€ por aplicación. Allí está, a la derecha del Padre (cosa que ya es ser muy derechas) orquestando todo este sarao desde su nuevo y flamante iCloud TM. Si os sentís deprimidos pensad en la parte positiva, siempre nos quedará “Sávalme”.
¡Sexo! ¡Drogas! ¡Ordenadores! La escandalosa vida del Gordo de Megaupload al descubierto
Kim Schmitz quería comerse el mundo y ha terminado comiéndose los mocos
El Jueves .-. Joan Lerroux | 23 de enero de 2012, 06:00

El Gordo de Megaupload es malo. El Gordo de Megaupload es MUY MALO. Ha estafado en la bolsa, colecciona coches de lujo y vive en una mansión de supervillano en Nueva Zelanda. En esa fortaleza mata las horas sentado en un sillón giratorio, acariciando un gato sin pelo y esperando a que llegue la policía para explicarles sus planes malvados y, entonces, activar una trampa que los aniquilará mientras él se jacta con una atronadora risa en reverb.
¿Tienes miedo? ¿No? Pues deberías. Porque el Gordo de Megaupload es un gordo cabrón. Cuando sus sicarios detectan alguna cancioncilla peligrosamente mantecosa, corren raudos a colgarla en Megaupload (que en inglés significa Fortaleza del Mal Malísimo Malvado, o eso me dijeron en la ESO) para que todo el mundo se contamine. Sin Megaupload, Michel Teló, autor deAi se eu te pego, continuaría recibiendo botellazos en los bares cutres de su Portugal natal. Por malo. Por cursi. Porque su música representa todo lo malo del mundo.
Pero afortunadamente, los chicos del FBI ya han detenido al gordo y han cerrado Megaupload. Hombres decentes, patriotas de mandíbulas recias y sienes plateadas, talibanes de la libertad y padres de familia que pagan religiosamente sus impuestos. El sargento John MacBadass y el detective George Motherfucker. ¡Gracias, chicos! ¡Dadle su merecido al gordo mientras nosotros engullimos palomitas!
Estos días algunos medios de comunicación han dedicado páginas y páginas a los crímenes y excentricidades del Gordo de Megaupload. Como sugiriendo que algo raro hay en Megaupload si su mandamás tiene las manos tan sucias. ¿Pero qué tienen que ver las modelos húngaras y los coches deportivos del gordo con la discusión sobre Internet y la propiedad intelectual? Absolutamente nada. Solo son efectos especiales para distraer al espectador.
Sería más positivo cuestionar el lucro que conseguía Megaupload pasándose por el forro la propiedad intelectual. ¿Por qué no puede ganar dinero el creador pero sí el que cuelga en Internet sus obras? O también podríamos hablar de los millones de usuarios que usaban Megaupload para trabajar. Los mismos usuarios que han visto como el FBI les requisaban documentos que no infringían ningún tipo de ley. ¿Por qué la policía de EEUU golpea una empresa extranjera cuya legalidad solo está en entredicho, pero no hace nada contra empresas yanquis como Nike o Apple que tienen fábricas en países en vías de desarrollo que parecen más bien campos de concentración? Quizás porqué el iCloud, el genuine american service que quiere hacerle la competencia a Megaupload, acaba de salir al mercado. Y ya sabéis que, cuando se trata de dinero, EEUU confunde la realidad con la ficción. Si es americano, es bueno. Si es extranjero, forma parte del Eje del Mal.
Yo, por si acaso, empezaré a llamar al Gordo de Megaupload por el apodo de el Fuertecito de Megaupload. A ver si incluso eso no va a ser del todo cierto…
Se teme que sea solo el primero de una larga lista de cierres
El Jueves .-. Modgi | 20 de enero de 2012, 09:11
PIRRIIIP, PIRRIIIP. ¿Oís eso? Es el sonido de vuestro próximo dispositivo de conexión a Internet: ¡Un fantástico módem de 56K! Sí, amigos, porque volvemos a los años 90. La época en que Internet sólo servía para consultar el correo, ligar por MSN y, cuando habías acabado de hacer esas dos cosas… ¡Volver a consultar el correo!
El FBI, mediante el sonado cierre de Megaupload, ha conseguido rescribir La Biblia. Porque a partir de ahora los jinetes del Apocalipsis no serán cuatro si no cinco: La Guerra, La Peste, El Hambre, La Muerte y El Aburrimiento.
Para empezar, más de la mitad de los responsables de Megaupload ya han sido detenidos y puestos a disposición judicial. Les pueden caer hasta 50 años de prisión y serán acusados (entre otras) de violación de la propiedad intelectual. Y ya sabéis cómo tratan en la cárcel a los violadores (guiño-guiño, codito, pastilla de jabón). No he estado nunca en chirona, pero algo me dice que allí no les va a servir la excusa del “hoy ya has visto 72 minutos, clica aquí para obtener una cuenta Premium”. Alguien va a tener un ADSL gratis de 26cm reales.
Duchas aparte, es curioso que la detención se haya producido justo después del gran apagón digital. Aquél en el que los gigantes de Internet como Google, Facebook, Wikipedia y hasta Greenpeace (que se apuntan a cualquier fiesta en la que les dejen comer hamburguesas de tofu) les dijeran al Congreso que o rectificaban la Ley SOPA o iban a convertir Silicon Valley en un campamento de barracas (en el caso de Greenpeace, en un “barrio de etnia gitana”). Ah, pero la cosa cambia para las empresas con domicilio fiscal en USA, ¿verdad? Allí la única “lista negra” que hay es Oprah Winfrey. En cambio, los magnates de Megaupload cometieron el error 404 de vivir en Nueva Zelanda, y eso implica que ahora tendrán que protagonizar escenas como ésta:
- ¿Y tú por qué estás aquí?
- Maté a una pareja, a sus 5 hijos y al gatito. Luego arrojé sus cadáveres al Mississippi. Y ¿tú?
- Compartí un disco de Alejandro Sanz.
- ¡Dios, maldito monstruo inhumano! Por cierto, ¿Tienes jabón?
Ahora nos reímos, pero pronto lloraremos. Intentad imaginar un mundo sin series por Internet. Sin otra música que escuchar que la que sale de las oficinas de la SGAE. Un paisaje gris, incomunicado y claustrofóbico. Un lugar horrible y deprimente en el que ver crecer a tus hijos. En definitiva, lo que los habitantes de Corea del Norte llamarían “casa”. Pues pronto, ésa será nuestra casa.
Hay quien dice que las órdenes vienen de arriba. Y cuando digo de arriba no me refiero al Gobierno americano, ni al Club Bilderberg, ni al contubernio judeo-masónico. Me refiero a Steve Jobs, Mr. 0’75€ por aplicación. Allí está, a la derecha del Padre (cosa que ya es ser muy derechas) orquestando todo este sarao desde su nuevo y flamante iCloud TM. Si os sentís deprimidos pensad en la parte positiva, siempre nos quedará “Sávalme”.
¡Sexo! ¡Drogas! ¡Ordenadores! La escandalosa vida del Gordo de Megaupload al descubierto
Kim Schmitz quería comerse el mundo y ha terminado comiéndose los mocos
El Jueves .-. Joan Lerroux | 23 de enero de 2012, 06:00
El Gordo de Megaupload es malo. El Gordo de Megaupload es MUY MALO. Ha estafado en la bolsa, colecciona coches de lujo y vive en una mansión de supervillano en Nueva Zelanda. En esa fortaleza mata las horas sentado en un sillón giratorio, acariciando un gato sin pelo y esperando a que llegue la policía para explicarles sus planes malvados y, entonces, activar una trampa que los aniquilará mientras él se jacta con una atronadora risa en reverb.
¿Tienes miedo? ¿No? Pues deberías. Porque el Gordo de Megaupload es un gordo cabrón. Cuando sus sicarios detectan alguna cancioncilla peligrosamente mantecosa, corren raudos a colgarla en Megaupload (que en inglés significa Fortaleza del Mal Malísimo Malvado, o eso me dijeron en la ESO) para que todo el mundo se contamine. Sin Megaupload, Michel Teló, autor deAi se eu te pego, continuaría recibiendo botellazos en los bares cutres de su Portugal natal. Por malo. Por cursi. Porque su música representa todo lo malo del mundo.
Pero afortunadamente, los chicos del FBI ya han detenido al gordo y han cerrado Megaupload. Hombres decentes, patriotas de mandíbulas recias y sienes plateadas, talibanes de la libertad y padres de familia que pagan religiosamente sus impuestos. El sargento John MacBadass y el detective George Motherfucker. ¡Gracias, chicos! ¡Dadle su merecido al gordo mientras nosotros engullimos palomitas!
Estos días algunos medios de comunicación han dedicado páginas y páginas a los crímenes y excentricidades del Gordo de Megaupload. Como sugiriendo que algo raro hay en Megaupload si su mandamás tiene las manos tan sucias. ¿Pero qué tienen que ver las modelos húngaras y los coches deportivos del gordo con la discusión sobre Internet y la propiedad intelectual? Absolutamente nada. Solo son efectos especiales para distraer al espectador.
Sería más positivo cuestionar el lucro que conseguía Megaupload pasándose por el forro la propiedad intelectual. ¿Por qué no puede ganar dinero el creador pero sí el que cuelga en Internet sus obras? O también podríamos hablar de los millones de usuarios que usaban Megaupload para trabajar. Los mismos usuarios que han visto como el FBI les requisaban documentos que no infringían ningún tipo de ley. ¿Por qué la policía de EEUU golpea una empresa extranjera cuya legalidad solo está en entredicho, pero no hace nada contra empresas yanquis como Nike o Apple que tienen fábricas en países en vías de desarrollo que parecen más bien campos de concentración? Quizás porqué el iCloud, el genuine american service que quiere hacerle la competencia a Megaupload, acaba de salir al mercado. Y ya sabéis que, cuando se trata de dinero, EEUU confunde la realidad con la ficción. Si es americano, es bueno. Si es extranjero, forma parte del Eje del Mal.
Yo, por si acaso, empezaré a llamar al Gordo de Megaupload por el apodo de el Fuertecito de Megaupload. A ver si incluso eso no va a ser del todo cierto…
viernes, 20 de enero de 2012
Como para fiarse de cualquier agencia internacional
Denuncian a la AIEA por estar involucrada en los asesinatos de científicos iraníes

(Hispantv) “La Agencia Internacional de Energía Atómica (AIEA) está involucrada en el asesinato selectivo de científicos iraníes”, ha denunciado este jueves el expresidente de la Agencia de Energía Atómica Árabe (AEAA), Mahmud Barakat
“Esta es una política que se repite constantemente. La AIEA está involucrada en el asesinato de los científicos nucleares iraníes, ya que es la única entidad que posee informaciones precisas y confidenciales en este sentido”, agregó Barakat.
En una entrevista concedida a Nile TV, Barakat ha señalado que si “Irán no da información a la agencia se crea un escándalo, y acusan a Irán de no ser transparente al respecto, y si da información, se realizan los asesinatos selectivos”, informa IRIB.
Asimismo, el político explicó que el programa nuclear de Irán con fines pacíficos pretende satisfacer las demandas internas del país; asimismo, el uso de la energía atómica es una necesidad permanente para un país que ha gastado mil millones de dólares en la construcción de instalaciones nucleares.
Barakat criticó el doble rasero de Washington sobre el programa pacífico nuclear de Irán, agregando que Estados Unidos y el régimen israelí, ellos si poseen un sinnúmero de armas nucleares.
Teherán sostiene que como miembro de la AIEA y país signatario del Tratado de No Proliferación Nuclear (TNP), tiene el derecho de utilizar la tecnología nuclear para usos pacíficos como la generación de electricidad e investigación médica.
Mientras tanto, el régimen israelí, poseedor de más de 200 ojivas atómicas, no permite que la AIEA inspeccione o supervise su controvertido programa nuclear, amén de hacer oídos sordos a la demanda de adherirse al TNP.
El 11 de enero del año en curso, el catedrático iraní, Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, fue asesinado en Teherán, la capital de Irán, tras explotar la bomba lapa colocada en su coche.
Ahmadi Roshan, es el cuarto científico iraní, vinculado con el programa nuclear pacífico iraní que ha sido asesinado durante los últimos dos años. Dariush Rezainejad (julio de 2011), Masud Ali Mohammadi (enero de 2010) y Mayid Shahriari (noviembre de 2010) perdieron la vida en atentados similares, mientras que Fereydun Abasi (noviembre de 2010) sufrió heridas.
(Hispantv) “La Agencia Internacional de Energía Atómica (AIEA) está involucrada en el asesinato selectivo de científicos iraníes”, ha denunciado este jueves el expresidente de la Agencia de Energía Atómica Árabe (AEAA), Mahmud Barakat
“Esta es una política que se repite constantemente. La AIEA está involucrada en el asesinato de los científicos nucleares iraníes, ya que es la única entidad que posee informaciones precisas y confidenciales en este sentido”, agregó Barakat.
En una entrevista concedida a Nile TV, Barakat ha señalado que si “Irán no da información a la agencia se crea un escándalo, y acusan a Irán de no ser transparente al respecto, y si da información, se realizan los asesinatos selectivos”, informa IRIB.
Asimismo, el político explicó que el programa nuclear de Irán con fines pacíficos pretende satisfacer las demandas internas del país; asimismo, el uso de la energía atómica es una necesidad permanente para un país que ha gastado mil millones de dólares en la construcción de instalaciones nucleares.
Barakat criticó el doble rasero de Washington sobre el programa pacífico nuclear de Irán, agregando que Estados Unidos y el régimen israelí, ellos si poseen un sinnúmero de armas nucleares.
Teherán sostiene que como miembro de la AIEA y país signatario del Tratado de No Proliferación Nuclear (TNP), tiene el derecho de utilizar la tecnología nuclear para usos pacíficos como la generación de electricidad e investigación médica.
Mientras tanto, el régimen israelí, poseedor de más de 200 ojivas atómicas, no permite que la AIEA inspeccione o supervise su controvertido programa nuclear, amén de hacer oídos sordos a la demanda de adherirse al TNP.
El 11 de enero del año en curso, el catedrático iraní, Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, fue asesinado en Teherán, la capital de Irán, tras explotar la bomba lapa colocada en su coche.
Ahmadi Roshan, es el cuarto científico iraní, vinculado con el programa nuclear pacífico iraní que ha sido asesinado durante los últimos dos años. Dariush Rezainejad (julio de 2011), Masud Ali Mohammadi (enero de 2010) y Mayid Shahriari (noviembre de 2010) perdieron la vida en atentados similares, mientras que Fereydun Abasi (noviembre de 2010) sufrió heridas.
WWW: World War Web
Empieza la guerra cibernética.
A raíz de la clausura de Megaupload, y la detención de sus dueños, los internautas de a pie se han revolucionado.
Recien estabamos todos protestando por la ley SOPA, que la usan contra uno de los sitios más famosos para clausurarlo.
El FBI lo niega, y ha sido posiblemente la primera vítctima de Anonymous #Anonymous.
Todos esos señores que estan sentados en sillones de cuero forrandose a costa de las desgracias de la humanidad, se piensan que la gente es tonta, que nadie se entera de nada, y que ya nadie reacciona a nada.
Puede que haya mucha gente en ese estado catatónico, pero somos muchos, y muchos todavía podemos pensar.
Si el cierre de Megaupload es un aviso, la respuesta también es un aviso.
Si lo que ha ocurrido es una distracción, una maniobra de diversión, para tapar otras noticias y otros acontecimientos más violentos, lo veremos.
A raíz de la clausura de Megaupload, y la detención de sus dueños, los internautas de a pie se han revolucionado.
Recien estabamos todos protestando por la ley SOPA, que la usan contra uno de los sitios más famosos para clausurarlo.
El FBI lo niega, y ha sido posiblemente la primera vítctima de Anonymous #Anonymous.
Todos esos señores que estan sentados en sillones de cuero forrandose a costa de las desgracias de la humanidad, se piensan que la gente es tonta, que nadie se entera de nada, y que ya nadie reacciona a nada.
Puede que haya mucha gente en ese estado catatónico, pero somos muchos, y muchos todavía podemos pensar.
Si el cierre de Megaupload es un aviso, la respuesta también es un aviso.
Si lo que ha ocurrido es una distracción, una maniobra de diversión, para tapar otras noticias y otros acontecimientos más violentos, lo veremos.
jueves, 19 de enero de 2012
How to Start a War: The American Use of War Pretext Incidents.
How to Start a War: The American Use of War Pretext Incidents.
Cuando la historia se repite, y siempre pasa lo mismo, que es que los USA entran en guerra, participan en una guerra, son llamados a la guerra, o simplemente montan una guerra, hay que preguntarse porqué.
Qué es lo que pasa, cómo es posible que sea el país que más ha participado en guerras.
En este post se razona, y se demuestra cómo...
martes, 17 de enero de 2012
lunes, 16 de enero de 2012
domingo, 15 de enero de 2012
Todo apunta a que Obama quiere atacar
'Obama ready to give Iran strike order'

A US senator says President Barack Obama is prepared to issue the order for a military attack on Iran if the Washington-engineered sanctions fail to stop Tehran's nuclear program.
"[Obama] is definitely capable of ordering a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities," Joe Lieberman (I-CT) told The Cable in a Friday interview.
"I don't know that the president will order a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities even if the sanctions don't work, but I know that he's capable of doing that and I believe he's prepared to do that," Lieberman said, adding that he doesn't think Obama would ever send ground troops to Iran.
The US, Israel and their allies accuse Iran of pursuing a military nuclear program and have used this allegation as a pretext to convince the UN Security Council to impose four rounds of sanctions on Iran.
On New Year's Eve, President Obama signed into law fresh unilateral economic sanctions against Iran's Central Bank in an apparent bid to punish foreign companies and banks that do business with the Iranian financial institution.
The European Union followed suit with its foreign policy Chief Catherine Ashton threatening Tehran with continuing sanctions. “I expect Iran will realize that we will continue with sanctions. EU members are discussing further sanctions right now,” she said.
The EU foreign ministers are expected to hold a meeting later this month on January 23 to discuss the proposed embargo on Iran's oil exports.
Washington and Tel Aviv have also used nuclear weapons allegations to repeatedly threaten Tehran with the "option" of a military strike.
On December 20, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta claimed that Iran was one year away from building an atomic weapon, threatening that Washington will take every step "necessary" to stop Tehran's nuclear program.
Less than a week later, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey said the US military is ready to launch a military strike against Iran, if occasion necessitates.
With the upcoming US presidential election, the Republican candidates have similarly heightened the anti-Iran rhetoric, in an apparent bid to win over the Zionist lobby.
Meanwhile, Israeli officials have also recently stepped up their war rhetoric against Iran. On November 21, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned the "time has come" to deal with Iran. Israeli President Shimon Peres also threatened on November 6 that an attack against Iran is becoming "more and more likely."
Iran has categorically refuted the US-led allegations regarding its nuclear program, saying that as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to develop and acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Iranian officials have also promised a crushing response to any military strike against the country, warning that any such measure could result in a war that would spread beyond the Middle East.
US President Barack Obama is reportedly ready to give the go-ahead to military strike against Iran.
"[Obama] is definitely capable of ordering a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities," Joe Lieberman (I-CT) told The Cable in a Friday interview.
"I don't know that the president will order a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities even if the sanctions don't work, but I know that he's capable of doing that and I believe he's prepared to do that," Lieberman said, adding that he doesn't think Obama would ever send ground troops to Iran.
The US, Israel and their allies accuse Iran of pursuing a military nuclear program and have used this allegation as a pretext to convince the UN Security Council to impose four rounds of sanctions on Iran.
On New Year's Eve, President Obama signed into law fresh unilateral economic sanctions against Iran's Central Bank in an apparent bid to punish foreign companies and banks that do business with the Iranian financial institution.
The European Union followed suit with its foreign policy Chief Catherine Ashton threatening Tehran with continuing sanctions. “I expect Iran will realize that we will continue with sanctions. EU members are discussing further sanctions right now,” she said.
The EU foreign ministers are expected to hold a meeting later this month on January 23 to discuss the proposed embargo on Iran's oil exports.
Washington and Tel Aviv have also used nuclear weapons allegations to repeatedly threaten Tehran with the "option" of a military strike.
On December 20, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta claimed that Iran was one year away from building an atomic weapon, threatening that Washington will take every step "necessary" to stop Tehran's nuclear program.
Less than a week later, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey said the US military is ready to launch a military strike against Iran, if occasion necessitates.
With the upcoming US presidential election, the Republican candidates have similarly heightened the anti-Iran rhetoric, in an apparent bid to win over the Zionist lobby.
Meanwhile, Israeli officials have also recently stepped up their war rhetoric against Iran. On November 21, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned the "time has come" to deal with Iran. Israeli President Shimon Peres also threatened on November 6 that an attack against Iran is becoming "more and more likely."
Iran has categorically refuted the US-led allegations regarding its nuclear program, saying that as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to develop and acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Iranian officials have also promised a crushing response to any military strike against the country, warning that any such measure could result in a war that would spread beyond the Middle East.
sábado, 14 de enero de 2012
La gran mentira
Igual que no había armas de destrucción masiva en Irak, y aún así se inventaron informes y fotos que enseñaron en la sede de la ONU, en Iran no hay nada parecido a un programa nuclear militar secreto y con ánimos de matar a americanos.
Simplemente no existe. Igual que no había armas en Irak.
En Irak mintieron los inspectores y se manipuló la información.
En Iran se está haciendo lo mismo con organismos como la AIEA. Las mentiras se publican, pero la prensa calla la verdad.

A former International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) director has spoken out against the agency's recent report on Iran's nuclear program, saying he does not want to see another war waged based on “recycled, discredited data.”
“In the 24-page document, intended for a restricted distribution but widely available on the Internet, all but three of the items that were offered as proof of a possible nuclear-arms program are either undated or refer to events before 2004,” Robert Kelley wrote in an article titled “Nuclear Arms Charge against Iran Is No Slam Dunk” on the Bloomberg website on Wednesday.
Of the remaining three, he added, two are attributed only to two member states, “so the sourcing is impossible to evaluate.”
Kelley said the remaining allegation was in fact a revival of a two-page document, “purporting to come from Iran,” which the IAEA received in 2009.
“Mohamed ElBaradei, who was then the agency's director general, rejected the information because there was no chain of custody for the paper, no clear source, document markings, date of issue or anything else that could establish its authenticity. What's more, the document contained style errors, suggesting the author was not a native Farsi speaker. It appeared to have been typed using Arabic, rather than a Farsi, word-processing program.”
The IAEA released its latest report on Tehran's nuclear program on November 8, claiming that Iran has been engaged in activities related to developing nuclear weapons before 2003, which “may still be ongoing.”
Iran dismissed the report as "unbalanced, unprofessional and prepared with political motivation and under political pressure mostly by the United States.”
Having already lobbied for the imposition of four rounds of UN Security Council sanctions against Iran, the US and its allies have since used the recent IAEA report to slap even stricter unilateral sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
On New Year's Eve, US President Barack Obama signed into law fresh economic sanctions against Iran's Central Bank in an apparent bid to punish foreign companies and banks that do business with the Iranian financial institution.
The European Union followed suit with its foreign policy Chief Catherine Ashton threatening Tehran with continuing sanctions. “I expect Iran will realize that we will continue with sanctions. EU members are discussing further sanctions right now,” she said.
The EU foreign ministers are expected to hold a meeting later this month on January 23 to discuss proposed embargo on Iran's oil exports.
The IAEA report has more alarmingly led to calls from various US and Israeli corners for a military strike against Iran.
On December 20, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta claimed that Iran was one year away from building an atomic weapon, threatening that Washington will take every step “necessary” to stop Tehran's nuclear program.
Less than a week later, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey said the US military is ready to launch a military strike against Iran, if occasion necessitates.
With the upcoming US presidential election, the Republican candidates have similarly heightened the anti-Iran rhetoric, in an apparent bid to win Zionist votes.
Meanwhile, Israeli officials have also recently stepped up their war rhetoric against Iran. On November 21, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned the "time has come" to deal with Iran. Israeli President Shimon Peres also threatened on November 6 that an attack against Iran is becoming "more and more likely."
The former IAEA director said he is “speaking up” about the flawed IAEA report, “because, as a member of the IAEA's Iraq Action Team in 2003, I learned firsthand how withholding the facts can lead to bloodshed.”
“Having known the details then, though I was not allowed to speak, I feel a certain shared responsibility for the war that killed more than 4,000 Americans and more than 100,000 Iraqis. A private citizen today, I hope to help ensure the facts are clear before the US takes further steps that could lead, intentionally or otherwise, to a new conflagration, this time in Iran,” he said.
Simplemente no existe. Igual que no había armas en Irak.
En Irak mintieron los inspectores y se manipuló la información.
En Iran se está haciendo lo mismo con organismos como la AIEA. Las mentiras se publican, pero la prensa calla la verdad.
'Sketchy IAEA report sets stage for war'
According to a 2009 Wikileaks cable, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano asserted that "he was solidly in the US court on every key strategic decision, from high-level personnel appointments to the handling of Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program."A former International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) director has spoken out against the agency's recent report on Iran's nuclear program, saying he does not want to see another war waged based on “recycled, discredited data.”
“In the 24-page document, intended for a restricted distribution but widely available on the Internet, all but three of the items that were offered as proof of a possible nuclear-arms program are either undated or refer to events before 2004,” Robert Kelley wrote in an article titled “Nuclear Arms Charge against Iran Is No Slam Dunk” on the Bloomberg website on Wednesday.
Of the remaining three, he added, two are attributed only to two member states, “so the sourcing is impossible to evaluate.”
Kelley said the remaining allegation was in fact a revival of a two-page document, “purporting to come from Iran,” which the IAEA received in 2009.
“Mohamed ElBaradei, who was then the agency's director general, rejected the information because there was no chain of custody for the paper, no clear source, document markings, date of issue or anything else that could establish its authenticity. What's more, the document contained style errors, suggesting the author was not a native Farsi speaker. It appeared to have been typed using Arabic, rather than a Farsi, word-processing program.”
The IAEA released its latest report on Tehran's nuclear program on November 8, claiming that Iran has been engaged in activities related to developing nuclear weapons before 2003, which “may still be ongoing.”
Iran dismissed the report as "unbalanced, unprofessional and prepared with political motivation and under political pressure mostly by the United States.”
Having already lobbied for the imposition of four rounds of UN Security Council sanctions against Iran, the US and its allies have since used the recent IAEA report to slap even stricter unilateral sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
On New Year's Eve, US President Barack Obama signed into law fresh economic sanctions against Iran's Central Bank in an apparent bid to punish foreign companies and banks that do business with the Iranian financial institution.
The European Union followed suit with its foreign policy Chief Catherine Ashton threatening Tehran with continuing sanctions. “I expect Iran will realize that we will continue with sanctions. EU members are discussing further sanctions right now,” she said.
The EU foreign ministers are expected to hold a meeting later this month on January 23 to discuss proposed embargo on Iran's oil exports.
The IAEA report has more alarmingly led to calls from various US and Israeli corners for a military strike against Iran.
On December 20, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta claimed that Iran was one year away from building an atomic weapon, threatening that Washington will take every step “necessary” to stop Tehran's nuclear program.
Less than a week later, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey said the US military is ready to launch a military strike against Iran, if occasion necessitates.
With the upcoming US presidential election, the Republican candidates have similarly heightened the anti-Iran rhetoric, in an apparent bid to win Zionist votes.
Meanwhile, Israeli officials have also recently stepped up their war rhetoric against Iran. On November 21, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned the "time has come" to deal with Iran. Israeli President Shimon Peres also threatened on November 6 that an attack against Iran is becoming "more and more likely."
The former IAEA director said he is “speaking up” about the flawed IAEA report, “because, as a member of the IAEA's Iraq Action Team in 2003, I learned firsthand how withholding the facts can lead to bloodshed.”
“Having known the details then, though I was not allowed to speak, I feel a certain shared responsibility for the war that killed more than 4,000 Americans and more than 100,000 Iraqis. A private citizen today, I hope to help ensure the facts are clear before the US takes further steps that could lead, intentionally or otherwise, to a new conflagration, this time in Iran,” he said.
El casus belli que necesita USA para atacar Iran
Iran target of 'false flag' strategy?
The ship with an orange hue is the USS Vincennes afloat in Puget Sound. It will reportedly be used in a "False Flag" attack against Iran.
In recent years “false-flag” terrorism has been utilized multiple times by US and Israeli political actors to provide pretexts for otherwise unjustifiable, anti-Islamic military excursions. The plan is to justify an all-out assault on Iran based upon a new fabricated “Pearl Harbor”.
Israel is the primary motivator behind the attempts to destabilize Iran. US traditional foreign policy was one of attempting to foster stability in the Middle East for oil markets. The Zionist impulse, conversely, is to destabilize all potential regional hegemons and carve the Middle East up into ethno-religious statelets.
Thus, since the fraudulent events of 9/11, we've seen a policy of Middle East disintegration being pursued by Israeli-influenced American politicians.
Indeed, recently released CIA memos reveal that Mossad agents have been posing as CIAagents and conscripting anti-Iranian terrorists.
Former Israeli intelligence officer, Avi Perry, startlingly wrote in a January 9th Jerusalem Post article of a forthcoming “ 'Pearl Harbor' scenario, in which Iran [will] launch…a “surprise” attack on the US navy,” giving the US “the perfect rationalization to finish them [Iran] off.” Tellingly, Perry chose to put the word “surprise” in quotation marks. Is Perry telling us something?
Perry asserts: “[an] Iranian attack on an American military vessel will serve as a justification and a pretext for a retaliatory move by the US military against the Iranian regime.” However, Perry identifies “a US aircraft carrier” as the likely target of this imagined Iranian attack.
We beg to differ. There are major indications that the vessel of choice is to be the USS Vincennes. The fourth USS Vincennes (CG-49) is a US Navy Ticonderoga class Aegis guided missile cruiser. On July 3, 1988, the ship shot down Iran Air Flight 655 over the Persian Gulf, killing all 290 civilian passengers on board, including 38 non-Iranians and 66 children.
This would be an ideal vessel for the staged provocation as it could be easily sold to the world as having been Iranian retribution for the 1988 downing of Flight 655. That way the evident lack of motive for Iran to provoke the US and Israeli military will be replaced by a perceived “motive.” No one will stop to ask themselves why Iran would thereby engage itself in a major war.
If we were to believe the Wikipedia version of history the Vincennes has already been scrapped. The Wikipedia article for the Vincennes states, “The Vincennes was completely scrapped by 23 November 2011.” If that were true it could not be used as the target of this “false-flag” attack. Yet we have photographic and testimonial evidence suggesting otherwise.
A reliable source interviewed by one of us has brought us up to speed on the latest developments:
“We now know what that INACTIVE Ticonderoga class AEGIS missile cruiser got towed out of here under cover of darkness for. It'll likely be the sacrificial lamb that starts the war with Iran....
“Why else would they move it when all the rest sit at a buoy here for months before they finally leave to be sunk?
“I told this to a former 9/11 Truth person back when that ship got moved that it was likely to be used for a FALSE FLAG attack. Well, we'll soon see if I was right about this one.”
Since the ship left Puget Sound in the dead of night about two months ago, it’s most probable location today is at the 5th Fleet Headquarters in Bahrain for safe keeping until the time comes for its deployment. The ship would have been refurbished and repainted and provided with remote control capabilities.
“That is the only location in the region outside of Haifa Harbor where she could probably be at least partially concealed by cocooning the superstructure to make it less obvious who she is.
Meanwhile, the US Navy is compiling a list of casualties based upon deceased sailors, very much as was the case on 9/11,” we were advised.
Former Israeli false-flag attacks, such as on the USS Liberty in 1967, and the Argentine attacks in 1992 and in 1994, demonstrate Israel's willingness to attack US targets, on the one hand, and its own people, on the other.
It's highly probable that, having shipped the Vincennes into an acceptable location, that the Mossad, which has also been implicated in the events of 9/11, would do the rest of the dirty work. Or the United States, which has become Israel's lackey, might blow up one of its own ships, which would be a literal and a figurative sign of how low the US has sunk.
As a Marine Corps officer, I, Jim Fetzer, swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Neither I nor any other officer I know ever swore allegiance to the State of Israel. Our leaders are not only betraying our own Constitution but have turned our nation into a servant of an unworthy, brutal and tyrannical master, who couldn't care less about the best interests of American citizens--and our own leaders not only permit this to happen but actually promote it.
In light of recent “deep political events” in Iran, including the recent murder of Iranian nuclear physicist Professor Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, it would not be surprising if the US and Israel were to raise the ante by implementing a fraudulent trigger incident, which may very well ignite World War III.
Because of the pervasiveness of US-Israeli deceptions, an increasing number of public intellectuals are awakening to the prospect of these fraudulent events before they happen, as appears to be the case with this initiative. We can’t be certain about all of this, because we are on the outside, looking in. Perhaps the USS Vincennes actually has been scrapped. But on this point the world can rest assured: they haven’t scrapped the plan!
Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth and the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth.
Joshua Blakeney is a graduate student at the University of Lethbridge, member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Staff Writer at Veterans Today.
Como sería la tercera guerra mundial
Hay gente con mucha imaginación, pero la realidad está ahí. Los hechos están ahí, y lo que está ocurriendo en el mundo a causa de un imperialismo yanki sin precedentes está ahí.
También es cierto que el ser humano nunca se sabe cómo va a reaccionar antes situaciones nunca esperadas ni pensadas.
Pero para eso está la manipulación en general y la informativa en especial.
Cuando te bombardean durante años y años con falsas noticias y falsos testimonios, manipulando toda la realidad, acabas viviendo en una película.
Esta es una de ellas( aunque nuca se sabe)

What War With Iran Might Look Like
by Philip Giraldi, January 12, 2012
Back in September 2007 I wrote an article for Antiwar.com called “What World War III May Look Like.” The article, which presumed that an incident involving U.S. troops on the border between Iraq and Iran could easily escalate into what would eventually become a global conflict, was widely replayed in the alternative media and even in themainstream. Well, I am pleased to report that no such war has yet started, though there has been a disturbing expansion of U.S. military activity through the deployment of drones to hit targets in assorted countries without having to worry about American casualties or niceties like declarations of war. Other geopolitical elements that figured in my 2007 analysis have also changed, so I believe that the time has come for an update.
Iran is clearly the target of choice, just as it was in 2007. Despite President Barack Obama’s assertion that he would open up avenues to talk to the Iranians, he has failed to do so, he has rejected Iranian initiatives to start a dialogue, and he is showing every sign of unwillingness to negotiate on any level. Congress has even moved to block any contact between American and Iranian diplomats. The sanctions that recently took effect against the Iranian banking system can be construed as an act of war, particularly as Iran has not provided any casus belli. Further sanctions that will restrict energy imports are impending and will bring the country’s economy to a halt. There are already signs that the Iranian government feels itself compelled to demonstrate to its people that it is doing something about the situation. That “something” might well be a confrontation with the U.S. Navy that will have unfortunate results. In light of all that, it might be useful to imagine just how war with Iran could play out if the Iranians don’t roll over and surrender at the first whiff of grapeshot.
It might start with a minor incident, possibly involving an Iranian armed small craft manned by the Revolutionary Guard. Though the Strait of Hormuz is generally considered an international waterway, the Iranians claim that half of the strait is within their territorial waters. Tehran, in response to intensified sanctions, declares that it can determine who can use the strait and says that it will take steps to keep American warships from entering. The frigate USS Ingraham, patrolling off of Bushehr, is confronted by the small craft and ordered to heave to, an order it rejects. The Iranian commander, ignoring instructions to back off when confronted directly by the U.S. Navy, opens fire with rocket-propelled grenades. The frigate’s Phalanx rapid-fire battery immediately responds by blasting the Iranian boat, killing the entire Revolutionary Guard crew, but two American sailors are also killed in the exchange and four are wounded.
Fighters from the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis are immediately launched under standing orders, and they devastate the naval base that the Iranian boat departed from. President Obama holds a press conference and calls the incident an act of war and vows to do everything necessary to support U.S. forces in the region, but he stops short of a commitment to stage a full-scale attack on Iran. A hastily called meeting of the U.N. Security Council results in a 17–1 vote urging the United States to exercise restraint, with only Washington voting “no.” In the General Assembly, only the United States, Israel, Micronesia, and Costa Rica support possible military action.
The United States is effectively alone, but Israel takes advantage of the growing war fervor in the United States to launch an attack against Iranian nuclear facilities. The recently completed nuclear reactor at Bushehr is destroyed, killing 13 Russian technicians working on the site, and the aboveground buildings at the Natanz nuclear research facility are leveled. Russian-supplied Iranian air defenses shoot down six Israeli aircraft. Washington receives no prior warning of the Israeli attack, though it does pick up the signal traffic that precedes it and knows something is coming. It makes no effort to stop the Israelis as they fly over undefended Iraqi airspace.
Congress and the media rally behind the Israelis and demand war. A bill in the House of Representatives calling on the White House to take military action in support of Israel passes 431–4. A similar bill in the Senate receives only two nays. President Obama hesitates but then approves a limited offensive, directed against Iran’s military, its nuclear sites, and, most particularly, its Revolutionary Guard installations. In the first few days, overwhelming American air and naval superiority destroys Iran’s principal air, naval, and army bases. Iranian Revolutionary Guard facilities are obliterated, as are the known Iranian nuclear research and development sites. The limited offensive soon becomes anything but that, with strategic bombers dropping 30,000-pound Big BLU bunker-buster bombs to strike underground labs and processing centers. Population centers are avoided, though smart weapons are used to destroy communications centers and command and control facilities. There are nevertheless large numbers of civilian casualties as many of the targeted nuclear sites are close to or within cities and large towns. Infrastructure is also hit, particularly bridges, roads, and power-generation stations close to known nuclear research centers and military sites.
There is a pause in the attacks, and Iran strikes back. With nearly 10 years to prepare, Tehran has successfully hidden and hardened many of its military and nuclear facilities, a large percentage of which are undamaged. The aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis operating in the Gulf of Oman is hit by a lucky strike by a Chinese Silkworm cruise missile that comes in low and successfully evades countermeasures. The Stennisretires to port in Bahrain. Three other support vessels are also hit and severely damaged when they are attacked by waves of small craft manned by suicidal Revolutionary Guards, not unlike the kamikaze attacks in the Second World War. The Iranian attackers are annihilated, but the Pentagon refuses to say how many American sailors have been killed in the exchange.
Pro-Iranian riots break out in Beirut. In the south of Lebanon, Hezbollah fires salvos of rockets into Israel, striking Tel Aviv and killing several hundred Israelis. Israel responds by bombing Lebanon and Syria, which it blames for supporting the attacks. Upgraded Iranian Shahab-3 missiles also strike Israel, killing more civilians. The Israeli Defense Forces are fully mobilized, and troops are sent to the northern border. Syria and Lebanon also mobilize their forces. Rioters in Baghdad attack the American embassy, which demands that the Iraqi government “do something” to protect it, but Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki shrugs and says that the situation is out of his control. Large public demonstrations demand that Iraq support Iran in a fraternal struggle against the United States.
Shi’ites sympathetic to Iran sabotage Saudi Arabian eastern oil fields. Hundreds of alleged saboteurs are shot dead by Saudi security forces. An oil tanker out of Kuwait is hit by a Silkworm and runs aground to keep from sinking. Another hits a mine. Insurers at Lloyd’s of London refuse to cover any tankers transiting the Persian Gulf, claiming that damage incurred during a state of war is not covered by the policies. Oil shipments from the region, one quarter of the world’s supply, stop completely, and oil goes up to $300 a barrel. Wall Street suffers its biggest loss in 20 years, with the Dow Jones index plummeting more than 900 points.
The United States offers Iran a cease-fire, which Tehran rejects. Two days later, President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan is assassinated by a Shi’ite bodyguard under orders from Tehran. Pakistan declares that it is neutral in the conflict and orders the U.S. embassy to reduce its staff by 50%, including the CIA station chief and his deputy. Order breaks down in both countries, and the Pakistani army declares a state of emergency, closing the border with Afghanistan. NATO calls an emergency meeting and decides to begin the evacuation by air of the multinational force trapped in Afghanistan, leaving many weapons and heavy equipment behind.
In the power vacuum, NATO troops withdraw to their bases while Taliban-backed militias take over much of Kabul and Kandahar. Afghanistan’s Mazar-i-Sharif, which is largely Shi’ite, declares itself a part of Iran. The government resigns in Beirut, and Hezbollah forms a new one. A salvo of Iranian Silkworm missiles sets the Saudi Arabian eastern oil fields ablaze. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates send an urgent diplomatic message to Tehran declaring that they will be “neutral” in the fighting and will not assist the United States in any way. Kuwait sends the same message, while Egyptian volunteers gather along the border with Israel in Sinai, demanding that Cairo take steps in support of their Arab brothers in Lebanon. Kuwait refuses to allow the United States to use its men and supplies at Camp Doha against Iran. In Bahrain, rampaging Shi’ite crowds depose Sheikh Khalifa al-Khalifa and set up an Islamic Republic, forcing the U.S. Fifth Fleet to abandon its only secure base in the region. The Dow Jones index loses another 1,000 points.
The United States attempts to get China and Russia to mediate with Iran to end the fighting, but they refuse to do Washington any favors, noting that they had opposed the attack in the first place and also citing their countrymen killed in the U.S. attacks. Suicide bombers attack in London, Washington, New York, and Los Angeles. The attacks are poorly planned and inflict only a few casualties, but panic sets in and the public demands that the respective governments do something. The United States tells the Iranian government that unless resistance ceases, nuclear weapons will be used on select targets. India and Pakistan are alarmed by the U.S. threat and put their own nuclear forces on high alert, as does Israel. Russia and China also increase their readiness levels to respond to the crisis.
Iran refuses to concede defeat, and the Iranian people rally around the government. The U.S. public is clamoring for action. Oil prices continue to surge, and the long-term viability of petroleum supplies is in question as the Strait of Hormuz continues to be closed. Another U.S. ship is badly damaged by suicide attackers in the Persian Gulf. American embassies throughout the region are attacked. Anti-American rioting takes place in Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Mindanao, and in Dhaka. The United States consulate general in Karachi, Pakistan, is sacked and burned. Forty Americans die along with scores of Pakistanis when the Marine guards open fire.
There are frequent terrorism scares in a number of American cities, which are under red-alert security lockdown, though there are no new attacks. Domestic air travel declines by more than 50%. As a preventive measure, there are mass arrests of American Muslim leaders. Some antiwar activists are detained at military prisons, including Guantanamo, under the provisions of the Military Commissions Act and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012. Israel continues to be bombarded from inside Lebanon. Its air attacks inflict massive damage on civilians but are unsuccessful in stopping the rockets. Its government falls and is replaced by a hard-right regime headed by former Foreign Secretary Avigdor Lieberman. Rioting rocks the West Bank and Gaza, forcing Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to resign and flee to Paris. Hamas forms a provisional government. India threatens to attack Pakistan if there is any question about the security of Islamabad’s nuclear arsenal.
The United States uses a neutron-type bomb against the main Iranian nuclear research center at Natanz, which both Washington and Israel had already bombed conventionally and destroyed. It vows to bomb again if Iran continues to resist. Iran is defiant and fires another wave of Silkworms at U.S. ships, hitting one. Russia and China place their nuclear forces on high alert. Pakistani militants assume control of the government, aided by radical elements in the army and the intelligence service. India launches a preemptive strike against the main Pakistani nuclear centers at Wah and Multan, where the country’s arsenal is believed to be concentrated. Pakistan has some of its nukes moving around on trucks to avoid such a scenario, however, and is able to strike back by bombing New Delhi.
A minor engagement between American and Iranian forces in the Persian Gulf has ignited World War III.
También es cierto que el ser humano nunca se sabe cómo va a reaccionar antes situaciones nunca esperadas ni pensadas.
Pero para eso está la manipulación en general y la informativa en especial.
Cuando te bombardean durante años y años con falsas noticias y falsos testimonios, manipulando toda la realidad, acabas viviendo en una película.
Esta es una de ellas( aunque nuca se sabe)
What War With Iran Might Look Like
by Philip Giraldi, January 12, 2012
Back in September 2007 I wrote an article for Antiwar.com called “What World War III May Look Like.” The article, which presumed that an incident involving U.S. troops on the border between Iraq and Iran could easily escalate into what would eventually become a global conflict, was widely replayed in the alternative media and even in themainstream. Well, I am pleased to report that no such war has yet started, though there has been a disturbing expansion of U.S. military activity through the deployment of drones to hit targets in assorted countries without having to worry about American casualties or niceties like declarations of war. Other geopolitical elements that figured in my 2007 analysis have also changed, so I believe that the time has come for an update.
Iran is clearly the target of choice, just as it was in 2007. Despite President Barack Obama’s assertion that he would open up avenues to talk to the Iranians, he has failed to do so, he has rejected Iranian initiatives to start a dialogue, and he is showing every sign of unwillingness to negotiate on any level. Congress has even moved to block any contact between American and Iranian diplomats. The sanctions that recently took effect against the Iranian banking system can be construed as an act of war, particularly as Iran has not provided any casus belli. Further sanctions that will restrict energy imports are impending and will bring the country’s economy to a halt. There are already signs that the Iranian government feels itself compelled to demonstrate to its people that it is doing something about the situation. That “something” might well be a confrontation with the U.S. Navy that will have unfortunate results. In light of all that, it might be useful to imagine just how war with Iran could play out if the Iranians don’t roll over and surrender at the first whiff of grapeshot.
It might start with a minor incident, possibly involving an Iranian armed small craft manned by the Revolutionary Guard. Though the Strait of Hormuz is generally considered an international waterway, the Iranians claim that half of the strait is within their territorial waters. Tehran, in response to intensified sanctions, declares that it can determine who can use the strait and says that it will take steps to keep American warships from entering. The frigate USS Ingraham, patrolling off of Bushehr, is confronted by the small craft and ordered to heave to, an order it rejects. The Iranian commander, ignoring instructions to back off when confronted directly by the U.S. Navy, opens fire with rocket-propelled grenades. The frigate’s Phalanx rapid-fire battery immediately responds by blasting the Iranian boat, killing the entire Revolutionary Guard crew, but two American sailors are also killed in the exchange and four are wounded.
Fighters from the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis are immediately launched under standing orders, and they devastate the naval base that the Iranian boat departed from. President Obama holds a press conference and calls the incident an act of war and vows to do everything necessary to support U.S. forces in the region, but he stops short of a commitment to stage a full-scale attack on Iran. A hastily called meeting of the U.N. Security Council results in a 17–1 vote urging the United States to exercise restraint, with only Washington voting “no.” In the General Assembly, only the United States, Israel, Micronesia, and Costa Rica support possible military action.
The United States is effectively alone, but Israel takes advantage of the growing war fervor in the United States to launch an attack against Iranian nuclear facilities. The recently completed nuclear reactor at Bushehr is destroyed, killing 13 Russian technicians working on the site, and the aboveground buildings at the Natanz nuclear research facility are leveled. Russian-supplied Iranian air defenses shoot down six Israeli aircraft. Washington receives no prior warning of the Israeli attack, though it does pick up the signal traffic that precedes it and knows something is coming. It makes no effort to stop the Israelis as they fly over undefended Iraqi airspace.
Congress and the media rally behind the Israelis and demand war. A bill in the House of Representatives calling on the White House to take military action in support of Israel passes 431–4. A similar bill in the Senate receives only two nays. President Obama hesitates but then approves a limited offensive, directed against Iran’s military, its nuclear sites, and, most particularly, its Revolutionary Guard installations. In the first few days, overwhelming American air and naval superiority destroys Iran’s principal air, naval, and army bases. Iranian Revolutionary Guard facilities are obliterated, as are the known Iranian nuclear research and development sites. The limited offensive soon becomes anything but that, with strategic bombers dropping 30,000-pound Big BLU bunker-buster bombs to strike underground labs and processing centers. Population centers are avoided, though smart weapons are used to destroy communications centers and command and control facilities. There are nevertheless large numbers of civilian casualties as many of the targeted nuclear sites are close to or within cities and large towns. Infrastructure is also hit, particularly bridges, roads, and power-generation stations close to known nuclear research centers and military sites.
There is a pause in the attacks, and Iran strikes back. With nearly 10 years to prepare, Tehran has successfully hidden and hardened many of its military and nuclear facilities, a large percentage of which are undamaged. The aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis operating in the Gulf of Oman is hit by a lucky strike by a Chinese Silkworm cruise missile that comes in low and successfully evades countermeasures. The Stennisretires to port in Bahrain. Three other support vessels are also hit and severely damaged when they are attacked by waves of small craft manned by suicidal Revolutionary Guards, not unlike the kamikaze attacks in the Second World War. The Iranian attackers are annihilated, but the Pentagon refuses to say how many American sailors have been killed in the exchange.
Pro-Iranian riots break out in Beirut. In the south of Lebanon, Hezbollah fires salvos of rockets into Israel, striking Tel Aviv and killing several hundred Israelis. Israel responds by bombing Lebanon and Syria, which it blames for supporting the attacks. Upgraded Iranian Shahab-3 missiles also strike Israel, killing more civilians. The Israeli Defense Forces are fully mobilized, and troops are sent to the northern border. Syria and Lebanon also mobilize their forces. Rioters in Baghdad attack the American embassy, which demands that the Iraqi government “do something” to protect it, but Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki shrugs and says that the situation is out of his control. Large public demonstrations demand that Iraq support Iran in a fraternal struggle against the United States.
Shi’ites sympathetic to Iran sabotage Saudi Arabian eastern oil fields. Hundreds of alleged saboteurs are shot dead by Saudi security forces. An oil tanker out of Kuwait is hit by a Silkworm and runs aground to keep from sinking. Another hits a mine. Insurers at Lloyd’s of London refuse to cover any tankers transiting the Persian Gulf, claiming that damage incurred during a state of war is not covered by the policies. Oil shipments from the region, one quarter of the world’s supply, stop completely, and oil goes up to $300 a barrel. Wall Street suffers its biggest loss in 20 years, with the Dow Jones index plummeting more than 900 points.
The United States offers Iran a cease-fire, which Tehran rejects. Two days later, President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan is assassinated by a Shi’ite bodyguard under orders from Tehran. Pakistan declares that it is neutral in the conflict and orders the U.S. embassy to reduce its staff by 50%, including the CIA station chief and his deputy. Order breaks down in both countries, and the Pakistani army declares a state of emergency, closing the border with Afghanistan. NATO calls an emergency meeting and decides to begin the evacuation by air of the multinational force trapped in Afghanistan, leaving many weapons and heavy equipment behind.
In the power vacuum, NATO troops withdraw to their bases while Taliban-backed militias take over much of Kabul and Kandahar. Afghanistan’s Mazar-i-Sharif, which is largely Shi’ite, declares itself a part of Iran. The government resigns in Beirut, and Hezbollah forms a new one. A salvo of Iranian Silkworm missiles sets the Saudi Arabian eastern oil fields ablaze. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates send an urgent diplomatic message to Tehran declaring that they will be “neutral” in the fighting and will not assist the United States in any way. Kuwait sends the same message, while Egyptian volunteers gather along the border with Israel in Sinai, demanding that Cairo take steps in support of their Arab brothers in Lebanon. Kuwait refuses to allow the United States to use its men and supplies at Camp Doha against Iran. In Bahrain, rampaging Shi’ite crowds depose Sheikh Khalifa al-Khalifa and set up an Islamic Republic, forcing the U.S. Fifth Fleet to abandon its only secure base in the region. The Dow Jones index loses another 1,000 points.
The United States attempts to get China and Russia to mediate with Iran to end the fighting, but they refuse to do Washington any favors, noting that they had opposed the attack in the first place and also citing their countrymen killed in the U.S. attacks. Suicide bombers attack in London, Washington, New York, and Los Angeles. The attacks are poorly planned and inflict only a few casualties, but panic sets in and the public demands that the respective governments do something. The United States tells the Iranian government that unless resistance ceases, nuclear weapons will be used on select targets. India and Pakistan are alarmed by the U.S. threat and put their own nuclear forces on high alert, as does Israel. Russia and China also increase their readiness levels to respond to the crisis.
Iran refuses to concede defeat, and the Iranian people rally around the government. The U.S. public is clamoring for action. Oil prices continue to surge, and the long-term viability of petroleum supplies is in question as the Strait of Hormuz continues to be closed. Another U.S. ship is badly damaged by suicide attackers in the Persian Gulf. American embassies throughout the region are attacked. Anti-American rioting takes place in Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Mindanao, and in Dhaka. The United States consulate general in Karachi, Pakistan, is sacked and burned. Forty Americans die along with scores of Pakistanis when the Marine guards open fire.
There are frequent terrorism scares in a number of American cities, which are under red-alert security lockdown, though there are no new attacks. Domestic air travel declines by more than 50%. As a preventive measure, there are mass arrests of American Muslim leaders. Some antiwar activists are detained at military prisons, including Guantanamo, under the provisions of the Military Commissions Act and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012. Israel continues to be bombarded from inside Lebanon. Its air attacks inflict massive damage on civilians but are unsuccessful in stopping the rockets. Its government falls and is replaced by a hard-right regime headed by former Foreign Secretary Avigdor Lieberman. Rioting rocks the West Bank and Gaza, forcing Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to resign and flee to Paris. Hamas forms a provisional government. India threatens to attack Pakistan if there is any question about the security of Islamabad’s nuclear arsenal.
The United States uses a neutron-type bomb against the main Iranian nuclear research center at Natanz, which both Washington and Israel had already bombed conventionally and destroyed. It vows to bomb again if Iran continues to resist. Iran is defiant and fires another wave of Silkworms at U.S. ships, hitting one. Russia and China place their nuclear forces on high alert. Pakistani militants assume control of the government, aided by radical elements in the army and the intelligence service. India launches a preemptive strike against the main Pakistani nuclear centers at Wah and Multan, where the country’s arsenal is believed to be concentrated. Pakistan has some of its nukes moving around on trucks to avoid such a scenario, however, and is able to strike back by bombing New Delhi.
A minor engagement between American and Iranian forces in the Persian Gulf has ignited World War III.
The Next War on Washington’s Agenda - PaulCraigRoberts.org
The Next War on Washington’s Agenda - PaulCraigRoberts.org
Only the blind do not see that the US government is preparing to attack Iran.
jueves, 12 de enero de 2012
martes, 10 de enero de 2012
El anti-imperialismo de los tontos
Imperialism and the “Anti-Imperialism of the Fools”
12.30.2011 :: United States
Por James Petras
One of the great paradoxes of history are the claims of imperialist politicians to be engaged in a great humanitarian crusade, a historic “civilizing mission” designed to liberate nations and peoples, while practicing the most barbaric conquests, destructive wars and large scale bloodletting of conquered people in historical memory.
In the modern capitalist era, the ideologies of imperialist rulers vary over time, from the early appeals to “the right” to wealth, power, colonies and grandeur to later claims of a ‘civilizing mission’. More recently imperial rulers have propagated, many diverse justifications adapted to specific contexts, adversaries, circumstances and audiences.
This essay will concentrate on analyzing contemporary US imperial ideological arguments for legitimizing wars and sanctions to sustain dominance.
Contextualizing Imperial Ideology
Imperialist propaganda varies according to whether it is directed against a competitor for global power, or whether as a justification for applying sanctions, or engaging in open warfareagainst a local or regional socio-political adversary.
With regard to established imperial (Europe) or rising world economic competitors (China), US imperial propaganda varies over time. Early in the 19th century ,Washington proclaimed the “Monroe Doctrine”,denouncing European efforts to colonize Latin America,privileging its own imperial designs in that region.In the 20th century when the US imperial policymakers were displacing Europe from prime resource based colonies in the Middle East and Africa, it played on several themes. It condemned ‘colonial forms of domination’ and promoted ‘neo-colonial’ transitions that ended European monopolies and facilitated US multi-national corporate penetration. This was clearly evident during and after World War 2, in the Middle East petrol-countries.
During the 1950s as the US assumed imperial primacy and radical anti-colonial nationalism came to the fore, Washington forged alliances with the declining colonial power to combat a common enemy and to prop up post-colonial powers to combat a common enemy . Even with the post World War 2 economic recovery, growth and unification of Europe, it still works in tandem and under US leadership in militarily repressing nationalist insurgencies and regimes. When conflicts and competition occur, between US and European regimes, banks and enterprises, the mass media of each region publish “investigatory findings” highlighting the frauds and malfeasance of its competitors ..and US regulatory agencies levy heavy fines on their European counterparts, overlooking similar practices by Wall Street financial firms.
In recent times the rising tide of militarist imperialism and colonial wars fueled by Israeli proxies in the US state has led to some serious divergencies between US and European imperialism. With the exception of England, Europe made a minimum symbolic commitment to the US wars and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. Germany and France concentrated on expanding their export markets and economic capacities; displacing the US in major markets and resource sites. The convergence of US and European empires led to the integration of financial institutions and the subsequent common crises and collapse but without any coordinated policy of recovery. US ideologists propagated the idea of a “declining and decaying European Union”, while the European ideologues emphasized the failures ofAnglo-American de-regulated, ‘free markets’ and Wall Street swindles.
Imperial Ideology, Rising Economic Powers and Nationalist Challengers
There is a long history of imperialist “anti-imperialism”, officially sponsored condemnation, exposés and moral indignation directed exclusively against rival imperialists, emerging powers or simply competitors, who in some cases are simply following in the footsteps of the established imperial powers.
English imperialists in their heyday justified their world-wide plunder of three continents by perpetuating the “Black Legend”, of Spanish empire’s “exceptional cruelty” toward indigenous people of Latin America, while engaging in the biggest and most lucrative African slave trade.While the Spanish colonists enslaved the indigenous people,the Anglo-american settlers exterminated them…..
In the run-up to World War II, European and US imperial powers, while exploiting their Asian colonies condemned Japanese imperial powers’ invasion and colonization of China. Japan, in turn claimed it was leading Asia’s forces fighting against Western imperialism and projected a post-colonial “co-prosperity” sphere of equal Asian partners.
The imperialist use of “anti-imperialist” moral rhetoric was designed to weaken rivals and was directed to several audiences. In fact, at no point did the anti-imperialist rhetoric serve to “liberate” any of the colonized people.In almost all cases the victorious imperial power only substituted one form colonial or neo-colonial rule for another.
The “anti-imperialism” of the imperialists is directed at the nationalist movements of the colonized countries and at their domestic public. British imperialists fomented uprisings among the agro-mining elites in Latin America promising “free trade” against Spanish mercantilist rule;they backed the “self-determination” of the slaveholding cotton plantation owners in the US South against the Union;they supported the territorial claims of the Iroquois tribal leaders against the US anti-colonial revolutionaries … exploiting legitimate grievances for imperial ends. During World War II,the Japanese imperialists supported a sector of the nationalist anti-colonial movement in India against the British Empire. The US condemned Spanish colonial rule in Cuba and the Philippines and went to war to “liberate” the oppressed peoples from tyranny….and remained to impose a reign of terror,exploitation and colonial rule…
The imperial powers sought to divide the anti-colonial movements and create future “client rulers” when and if they succeeded. The use of anti-imperialist rhetoric was designed to attract two sets of groups. A conservative group with common political and economic interests with the imperial power, which shared their hostility to revolutionary nationalists and which sought to accrue greater advantage by tying their fortunes to a rising imperial power. A radical sector of the movement tactically allied itself with the rising imperial power, with the idea of using the imperial power to secure resources (arms, propaganda, vehicles and financial aid) and, once securing power, to discard them. More often than not, in this game of mutual manipulation between empire and nationalists, the former won out … as is the case then and now.
The imperialist “anti-imperialist” rhetoric was equally directed at the domestic public, especially in countries like the US which prized its 18th anti-colonial heritage. The purpose was to broaden the base of empire building beyond the hard line empire loyalists, militarists and corporate beneficiaries.Their appeal sought to include liberals, humanitarians, progressive intellectuals, religious and secular moralists and other “opinion-makers” who had a certain cachet with the larger public, the ones who would have to pay with their lives and tax money for the inter-imperial and colonial wars.
The official spokespeople of empire publicize real and fabricated atrocities of their imperial rivals, and highlight the plight of the colonized victims.The corporate elite and the hardline militarists demand military action to protect property, or to seize strategic resources; the humanitarians and progressives denounce the “crimes against humanity” and echo the calls “to do something concrete” to save the victims from genocide. Sectors of the Left join the chorus, finding a sector of victims who fit in with their abstract ideology, and plead for the imperial powers to “arm the people to liberate themselves” (sic). By lending moral support and a veneer of respectability to the imperial war, by swallowing the propaganda of “war to save victims” the progressives become the prototype of the “anti-imperialism of the fools”. Having secured broad public support on the bases of “anti-imperialism”, the imperialist powers feel free to sacrifice citizens’ lives and the public treasury ,to pursue war, fueled by the moral fervor of a righteous cause. As the butchery drags on and the casualties mount, and the public wearies of war and its cost, progressive and leftist enthusiasm turns to silence or worse, moral hypocrisy with claims that “the nature of the war changed” or “that this isn’t the kind of war that we had in mind …”. As if the war makers ever intended to consult the progressives and left on how and why they should engage in imperial wars.!
In the contemporary period the imperial “anti-imperialist wars” and aggression have been greatly aided and abetted by well-funded “grass roots” so-called “non-governmental organizations” which act to mobilize popular movements which can “invite” imperial aggression.
Over the past four decades US imperialism has fomented at least two dozen “grass roots” movements which have destroyed democratic governments, or decimated collectivist welfare states or provoked major damage to the economy of targeted countries.
In Chile throughout 1972-73 under the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende, the CIA financed and provided major support – via the AFL-CIO–to private truck owners to paralyze the flow of goods and services .They also funded a strike by a sector of the copper workers union (at the El Tenient mine) to undermine copper production and exports, in the lead up to the coup. After the military took power several “grass roots” Christian Democratic union officials participated in the purge of elected leftist union activists. Needless to say in short order the truck owners and copper workers ended the strike, dropped their demands and subsequently lost all bargaining rights!
In the 1980’s the CIA via Vatican channels transferred millions of dollars to sustain the “Solidarity Union” in Poland, making a hero of the Gdansk shipyards worker-leader Lech Walesa, who spearheaded the general strike to topple the Communist regime. With the overthrow of Communism so also went guaranteed employment, social security and trade union militancy: the neo-liberal regimes reduced the workforce at Gdansk by fifty percent and eventually closed it, giving the boot to the entire workforce.. Walesa retired with a magnificent Presidential pension, while his former workmates walked the streets and the new “independent” Polish rulers provided NATO with military bases and mercenaries for imperial wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
In 2002 the White House, the CIA , the AFL-CIO and NGOs, backed a Venezuelan military-business – trade union bureaucrat led “grass roots” coup that overthrew democratically elected President Chavez. In 48 hours a million strong authentic grass roots mobilization of the urban poor backed by constitutionalist military forces defeated the US backed dictators and restored Chavez to power .Subsequently oil executives directed a lockout backed by several US financed NGOs.They were defeated by the workers’ takeover of the oil industry. The unsuccessful coup and lockout cost the Venezuelan economy billions of dollars in lost income and caused a double digit decline in GNP.
The US backed “grass roots” armed jihadists to liberated “Bosnia” and armed the“grass roots” terrorist Kosova Liberation Army to break-up Yugoslavia.Almost the entire Western Left cheered as, the US bombed Belgrade, degraded the economy and claimed it was “responding to genocide”. Kosova “free and independent” became a huge market for white slavers, housed the biggest US military base in Europe, with the highest per-capita out migration of any country in Europe.
The imperial “grass roots” strategy combines humanitarian, democratic and anti-imperialist rhetoric and paid and trained local NGO’s, with mass media blitzes to mobilize Western public opinion and especially “prestigious leftist moral critics” behind their power grabs.
The Consequence of Imperial Promoted “Anti-Imperialist” Movements: Who Wins and Who Loses?
The historic record of imperialist promoted “anti-imperialist” and “pro-democracy” “grass roots movements” is uniformly negative. Let us briefly summarize the results. In Chile ‘grass roots’ truck owners strike led to the brutal military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet and nearly two decades of torture, murder, jailing and forced exile of hundreds of thousands, the imposition of brutal “free market policies” and subordination to US imperial policies. In summary the US multi-national copper corporations and the Chilean oligarchy were the big winners and the mass of the working class and urban and rural poor the biggest losers. The US backed “grass roots uprisings” in Eastern Europe against Soviet domination, exchanged Russian for US domination; subordination to NATO instead of the Warsaw Pact; the massive transfer of national public enterprises, banks and media to Western multi-nationals. Privatization of national enterprises led to unprecedented levels of double-digit unemployment, skyrocketing rents and the growth of pensioner poverty.The crises induced the flight of millions of the most educated and skilled workers and the elimination of free public health, higher education and worker vacation resorts.
Throughout the now capitalist Eastern Europe and USSR highly organized criminal gangs developed large scale prostitution and drug rings; foreign and local gangster ‘entrepeneurs’ seized lucrative public enterprises and formed a new class of super-rich oligarchs Electoral party politicians, local business people and professionals linked to Western ‘partners’ were the socio-economic winners. Pensioners, workers, collective farmers, the unemployed youth were the big losers along with the formerly subsidized cultural artists. Military bases in Eastern Europe became the empire’s first line of military attack of Russia and the target of any counter-attack.
If we measure the consequences of the shift in imperial power, it is clear that the Eastern Europe countries have become even more subservient under the US and the EU than under Russia. Western induced financial crises have devastated their economies; Eastern European troops have served in more imperial wars under NATO than under Soviet rule; the cultural media are under Western commercial control.Most of all, the degree of imperial control over all economic sectors far exceeds anything that existed under the Soviets. The Eastern European ‘grass roots’ movement succeeded in deepening and extending the US Empire; the advocates of peace, social justice, national independence, a cultural renaissance and social welfare with democracy were the big losers.
Western liberals, progressives and leftists who fell in love with imperialist promoted “anti-imperialism” are also big losers. Their support for the NATO attack on Yugoslavia led to the break-up of a multi-national state and the creation of huge NATO military bases and a white slavers paradise in Kosova. Their blind support for the imperial promoted “liberation” of Eastern Europe devastated the welfare state, eliminating the pressure on Western regimes’ need to compete in providing welfare provisions. The main beneficiaries of Western imperial advances via ‘grass roots’ uprisings were the multi-national corporations, the Pentagon and the rightwing free market neo-liberals.As the entire political spectrum moved to the right a sector of the left and progressives eventually jumped on the bandwagon. The Left moralists lost credibility and support, their peace movements dwindled, their “moral critiques” lost resonance. The left and progressives who tail-ended the imperial backed “grass roots movements”, whether in the name of “anti-stalinism”, “pro-democracy” or “anti-imperialism” have never engaged in any critical reflection; no effort to analyze the long-term negative consequences of their positions in terms of the losses in social welfare, national independence or personal dignity.
The long history of imperialist manipulation of “anti-imperialist” narratives has found virulent expression in the present day. The New Cold War launched by Obama against China and Russia, the hot war brewing in the Gulf over Iran’s alleged military threat, the interventionist threat against Venezuela’s “drug-networks”,and Syria’s “bloodbath” are part and parcel of the use and abuse of “anti-imperialism” to prop up a declining empire. Hopefully, the progressive and leftist writers and scribes will learn from the ideological pitfalls of the past and resist the temptation to access the mass media by providing a ‘progressive cover’ to imperial dubbed “rebels”. It is time to distinguish between genuine anti-imperialism and pro-democracy movements and those promoted by Washington, NATO and the mass media.
One of the great paradoxes of history are the claims of imperialist politicians to be engaged in a great humanitarian crusade, a historic “civilizing mission” designed to liberate nations and peoples, while practicing the most barbaric conquests, destructive wars and large scale bloodletting of conquered people in historical memory.
In the modern capitalist era, the ideologies of imperialist rulers vary over time, from the early appeals to “the right” to wealth, power, colonies and grandeur to later claims of a ‘civilizing mission’. More recently imperial rulers have propagated, many diverse justifications adapted to specific contexts, adversaries, circumstances and audiences.
This essay will concentrate on analyzing contemporary US imperial ideological arguments for legitimizing wars and sanctions to sustain dominance.
Contextualizing Imperial Ideology
Imperialist propaganda varies according to whether it is directed against a competitor for global power, or whether as a justification for applying sanctions, or engaging in open warfareagainst a local or regional socio-political adversary.
With regard to established imperial (Europe) or rising world economic competitors (China), US imperial propaganda varies over time. Early in the 19th century ,Washington proclaimed the “Monroe Doctrine”,denouncing European efforts to colonize Latin America,privileging its own imperial designs in that region.In the 20th century when the US imperial policymakers were displacing Europe from prime resource based colonies in the Middle East and Africa, it played on several themes. It condemned ‘colonial forms of domination’ and promoted ‘neo-colonial’ transitions that ended European monopolies and facilitated US multi-national corporate penetration. This was clearly evident during and after World War 2, in the Middle East petrol-countries.
During the 1950s as the US assumed imperial primacy and radical anti-colonial nationalism came to the fore, Washington forged alliances with the declining colonial power to combat a common enemy and to prop up post-colonial powers to combat a common enemy . Even with the post World War 2 economic recovery, growth and unification of Europe, it still works in tandem and under US leadership in militarily repressing nationalist insurgencies and regimes. When conflicts and competition occur, between US and European regimes, banks and enterprises, the mass media of each region publish “investigatory findings” highlighting the frauds and malfeasance of its competitors ..and US regulatory agencies levy heavy fines on their European counterparts, overlooking similar practices by Wall Street financial firms.
In recent times the rising tide of militarist imperialism and colonial wars fueled by Israeli proxies in the US state has led to some serious divergencies between US and European imperialism. With the exception of England, Europe made a minimum symbolic commitment to the US wars and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. Germany and France concentrated on expanding their export markets and economic capacities; displacing the US in major markets and resource sites. The convergence of US and European empires led to the integration of financial institutions and the subsequent common crises and collapse but without any coordinated policy of recovery. US ideologists propagated the idea of a “declining and decaying European Union”, while the European ideologues emphasized the failures ofAnglo-American de-regulated, ‘free markets’ and Wall Street swindles.
Imperial Ideology, Rising Economic Powers and Nationalist Challengers
There is a long history of imperialist “anti-imperialism”, officially sponsored condemnation, exposés and moral indignation directed exclusively against rival imperialists, emerging powers or simply competitors, who in some cases are simply following in the footsteps of the established imperial powers.
English imperialists in their heyday justified their world-wide plunder of three continents by perpetuating the “Black Legend”, of Spanish empire’s “exceptional cruelty” toward indigenous people of Latin America, while engaging in the biggest and most lucrative African slave trade.While the Spanish colonists enslaved the indigenous people,the Anglo-american settlers exterminated them…..
In the run-up to World War II, European and US imperial powers, while exploiting their Asian colonies condemned Japanese imperial powers’ invasion and colonization of China. Japan, in turn claimed it was leading Asia’s forces fighting against Western imperialism and projected a post-colonial “co-prosperity” sphere of equal Asian partners.
The imperialist use of “anti-imperialist” moral rhetoric was designed to weaken rivals and was directed to several audiences. In fact, at no point did the anti-imperialist rhetoric serve to “liberate” any of the colonized people.In almost all cases the victorious imperial power only substituted one form colonial or neo-colonial rule for another.
The “anti-imperialism” of the imperialists is directed at the nationalist movements of the colonized countries and at their domestic public. British imperialists fomented uprisings among the agro-mining elites in Latin America promising “free trade” against Spanish mercantilist rule;they backed the “self-determination” of the slaveholding cotton plantation owners in the US South against the Union;they supported the territorial claims of the Iroquois tribal leaders against the US anti-colonial revolutionaries … exploiting legitimate grievances for imperial ends. During World War II,the Japanese imperialists supported a sector of the nationalist anti-colonial movement in India against the British Empire. The US condemned Spanish colonial rule in Cuba and the Philippines and went to war to “liberate” the oppressed peoples from tyranny….and remained to impose a reign of terror,exploitation and colonial rule…
The imperial powers sought to divide the anti-colonial movements and create future “client rulers” when and if they succeeded. The use of anti-imperialist rhetoric was designed to attract two sets of groups. A conservative group with common political and economic interests with the imperial power, which shared their hostility to revolutionary nationalists and which sought to accrue greater advantage by tying their fortunes to a rising imperial power. A radical sector of the movement tactically allied itself with the rising imperial power, with the idea of using the imperial power to secure resources (arms, propaganda, vehicles and financial aid) and, once securing power, to discard them. More often than not, in this game of mutual manipulation between empire and nationalists, the former won out … as is the case then and now.
The imperialist “anti-imperialist” rhetoric was equally directed at the domestic public, especially in countries like the US which prized its 18th anti-colonial heritage. The purpose was to broaden the base of empire building beyond the hard line empire loyalists, militarists and corporate beneficiaries.Their appeal sought to include liberals, humanitarians, progressive intellectuals, religious and secular moralists and other “opinion-makers” who had a certain cachet with the larger public, the ones who would have to pay with their lives and tax money for the inter-imperial and colonial wars.
The official spokespeople of empire publicize real and fabricated atrocities of their imperial rivals, and highlight the plight of the colonized victims.The corporate elite and the hardline militarists demand military action to protect property, or to seize strategic resources; the humanitarians and progressives denounce the “crimes against humanity” and echo the calls “to do something concrete” to save the victims from genocide. Sectors of the Left join the chorus, finding a sector of victims who fit in with their abstract ideology, and plead for the imperial powers to “arm the people to liberate themselves” (sic). By lending moral support and a veneer of respectability to the imperial war, by swallowing the propaganda of “war to save victims” the progressives become the prototype of the “anti-imperialism of the fools”. Having secured broad public support on the bases of “anti-imperialism”, the imperialist powers feel free to sacrifice citizens’ lives and the public treasury ,to pursue war, fueled by the moral fervor of a righteous cause. As the butchery drags on and the casualties mount, and the public wearies of war and its cost, progressive and leftist enthusiasm turns to silence or worse, moral hypocrisy with claims that “the nature of the war changed” or “that this isn’t the kind of war that we had in mind …”. As if the war makers ever intended to consult the progressives and left on how and why they should engage in imperial wars.!
In the contemporary period the imperial “anti-imperialist wars” and aggression have been greatly aided and abetted by well-funded “grass roots” so-called “non-governmental organizations” which act to mobilize popular movements which can “invite” imperial aggression.
Over the past four decades US imperialism has fomented at least two dozen “grass roots” movements which have destroyed democratic governments, or decimated collectivist welfare states or provoked major damage to the economy of targeted countries.
In Chile throughout 1972-73 under the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende, the CIA financed and provided major support – via the AFL-CIO–to private truck owners to paralyze the flow of goods and services .They also funded a strike by a sector of the copper workers union (at the El Tenient mine) to undermine copper production and exports, in the lead up to the coup. After the military took power several “grass roots” Christian Democratic union officials participated in the purge of elected leftist union activists. Needless to say in short order the truck owners and copper workers ended the strike, dropped their demands and subsequently lost all bargaining rights!
In the 1980’s the CIA via Vatican channels transferred millions of dollars to sustain the “Solidarity Union” in Poland, making a hero of the Gdansk shipyards worker-leader Lech Walesa, who spearheaded the general strike to topple the Communist regime. With the overthrow of Communism so also went guaranteed employment, social security and trade union militancy: the neo-liberal regimes reduced the workforce at Gdansk by fifty percent and eventually closed it, giving the boot to the entire workforce.. Walesa retired with a magnificent Presidential pension, while his former workmates walked the streets and the new “independent” Polish rulers provided NATO with military bases and mercenaries for imperial wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
In 2002 the White House, the CIA , the AFL-CIO and NGOs, backed a Venezuelan military-business – trade union bureaucrat led “grass roots” coup that overthrew democratically elected President Chavez. In 48 hours a million strong authentic grass roots mobilization of the urban poor backed by constitutionalist military forces defeated the US backed dictators and restored Chavez to power .Subsequently oil executives directed a lockout backed by several US financed NGOs.They were defeated by the workers’ takeover of the oil industry. The unsuccessful coup and lockout cost the Venezuelan economy billions of dollars in lost income and caused a double digit decline in GNP.
The US backed “grass roots” armed jihadists to liberated “Bosnia” and armed the“grass roots” terrorist Kosova Liberation Army to break-up Yugoslavia.Almost the entire Western Left cheered as, the US bombed Belgrade, degraded the economy and claimed it was “responding to genocide”. Kosova “free and independent” became a huge market for white slavers, housed the biggest US military base in Europe, with the highest per-capita out migration of any country in Europe.
The imperial “grass roots” strategy combines humanitarian, democratic and anti-imperialist rhetoric and paid and trained local NGO’s, with mass media blitzes to mobilize Western public opinion and especially “prestigious leftist moral critics” behind their power grabs.
The Consequence of Imperial Promoted “Anti-Imperialist” Movements: Who Wins and Who Loses?
The historic record of imperialist promoted “anti-imperialist” and “pro-democracy” “grass roots movements” is uniformly negative. Let us briefly summarize the results. In Chile ‘grass roots’ truck owners strike led to the brutal military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet and nearly two decades of torture, murder, jailing and forced exile of hundreds of thousands, the imposition of brutal “free market policies” and subordination to US imperial policies. In summary the US multi-national copper corporations and the Chilean oligarchy were the big winners and the mass of the working class and urban and rural poor the biggest losers. The US backed “grass roots uprisings” in Eastern Europe against Soviet domination, exchanged Russian for US domination; subordination to NATO instead of the Warsaw Pact; the massive transfer of national public enterprises, banks and media to Western multi-nationals. Privatization of national enterprises led to unprecedented levels of double-digit unemployment, skyrocketing rents and the growth of pensioner poverty.The crises induced the flight of millions of the most educated and skilled workers and the elimination of free public health, higher education and worker vacation resorts.
Throughout the now capitalist Eastern Europe and USSR highly organized criminal gangs developed large scale prostitution and drug rings; foreign and local gangster ‘entrepeneurs’ seized lucrative public enterprises and formed a new class of super-rich oligarchs Electoral party politicians, local business people and professionals linked to Western ‘partners’ were the socio-economic winners. Pensioners, workers, collective farmers, the unemployed youth were the big losers along with the formerly subsidized cultural artists. Military bases in Eastern Europe became the empire’s first line of military attack of Russia and the target of any counter-attack.
If we measure the consequences of the shift in imperial power, it is clear that the Eastern Europe countries have become even more subservient under the US and the EU than under Russia. Western induced financial crises have devastated their economies; Eastern European troops have served in more imperial wars under NATO than under Soviet rule; the cultural media are under Western commercial control.Most of all, the degree of imperial control over all economic sectors far exceeds anything that existed under the Soviets. The Eastern European ‘grass roots’ movement succeeded in deepening and extending the US Empire; the advocates of peace, social justice, national independence, a cultural renaissance and social welfare with democracy were the big losers.
Western liberals, progressives and leftists who fell in love with imperialist promoted “anti-imperialism” are also big losers. Their support for the NATO attack on Yugoslavia led to the break-up of a multi-national state and the creation of huge NATO military bases and a white slavers paradise in Kosova. Their blind support for the imperial promoted “liberation” of Eastern Europe devastated the welfare state, eliminating the pressure on Western regimes’ need to compete in providing welfare provisions. The main beneficiaries of Western imperial advances via ‘grass roots’ uprisings were the multi-national corporations, the Pentagon and the rightwing free market neo-liberals.As the entire political spectrum moved to the right a sector of the left and progressives eventually jumped on the bandwagon. The Left moralists lost credibility and support, their peace movements dwindled, their “moral critiques” lost resonance. The left and progressives who tail-ended the imperial backed “grass roots movements”, whether in the name of “anti-stalinism”, “pro-democracy” or “anti-imperialism” have never engaged in any critical reflection; no effort to analyze the long-term negative consequences of their positions in terms of the losses in social welfare, national independence or personal dignity.
The long history of imperialist manipulation of “anti-imperialist” narratives has found virulent expression in the present day. The New Cold War launched by Obama against China and Russia, the hot war brewing in the Gulf over Iran’s alleged military threat, the interventionist threat against Venezuela’s “drug-networks”,and Syria’s “bloodbath” are part and parcel of the use and abuse of “anti-imperialism” to prop up a declining empire. Hopefully, the progressive and leftist writers and scribes will learn from the ideological pitfalls of the past and resist the temptation to access the mass media by providing a ‘progressive cover’ to imperial dubbed “rebels”. It is time to distinguish between genuine anti-imperialism and pro-democracy movements and those promoted by Washington, NATO and the mass media.
Este año 2012 se cumplen 100 años del hundimiento del Titanic, el barco más grande, lujoso y que más ha dado que hablar en toda la hi...
EUROPE - Germany demands share in Libyan reconstruction
EUROPE - Germany demands share in Libyan reconstruction
Es que los alemanes son los más listos: no se meten en la guerra y ahora quieren un trocito del pastel.
No han bombardedo, pero su espionaje sí ha permitido la muerte de civiles!
lunes, 9 de enero de 2012
Iran y Libia dejan el dolar
Por menos de eso liquidaron a un país como Libia, a su líder y a casi toda su familia.
No me toques MIS dólares ni MI petróleo piensan los del imperio.
Pero lo peor está por venir para el imperio: los indios se apuntan a pagar en rupias, sus gastos con Iran.
No es una guerra con bombas, pero por ahí se empieza: ahogando al enemigo económicamente ( ilegal por cierto).
Las famosas "sanciones" no dejan de ser amenazas nada veladas a todos los clientes, proveedores y amigos de , en este caso Iran, por las cuales, se verían castigados por tratar con ese país.
O tratan en dólares y a través del sistema financiero corrupto y en banca rota americana, o se les sanciona en lo que sea necesario para hacer daño.
Iran, Russia dump dollar for rial, ruble
Sun Jan 8, 2012 7:19PM GMT

Russian ruble notes (file photo)
Iranian Ambassador to Moscow Seyyed Reza Sajjadi says Iran and Russia have turned to their national hard currencies instead of the American dollar in reciprocal trade exchanges.
Sajjadi said on Saturday that the proposal for the replacement of the US dollar with the Iranian rial and Russian ruble was raised during a meeting between Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev and his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the sidelines of the 11th meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) last June.
Permanent SCO members include China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Iran, along with India, Mongolia and Pakistan, is an observer state to the intergovernmental mutual-security organization.
The Iranian envoy said Tehran and Moscow switched to their national currencies in preference after the meeting between their presidents.
Sajjadi also pointed to Russia' strong opposition to sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program, saying Russians have clearly announced that they will not accept fresh anti-Iran bids that target the country's Central Bank and financial institutions.
He also described new US sanctions against Iran as “illegal and unilateral”, stressing that Russia has at times called for a peaceful solution to Iran's atomic case through negotiations.
On December 31, US President Barack Obama signed into law fresh economic sanctions against Iran's Central Bank in an apparent bid to punish foreign companies and banks that do business with the Iranian financial institution.
The bill requires foreign financial firms to make a choice between doing business with Iran's Central Bank and oil sector or with the US financial sector.
The legislation will not take effect for six months in a bid to provide oil markets with time to adjust.
Meanwhile, energy experts say sanctions could lead to a major hike in crude oil prices and disrupt the interests of the US and its allies that depend on oil imports from Iran.
Facing major economic troubles, the United States is reportedly the world's largest debtor nation.
No me toques MIS dólares ni MI petróleo piensan los del imperio.
Pero lo peor está por venir para el imperio: los indios se apuntan a pagar en rupias, sus gastos con Iran.
No es una guerra con bombas, pero por ahí se empieza: ahogando al enemigo económicamente ( ilegal por cierto).
Las famosas "sanciones" no dejan de ser amenazas nada veladas a todos los clientes, proveedores y amigos de , en este caso Iran, por las cuales, se verían castigados por tratar con ese país.
O tratan en dólares y a través del sistema financiero corrupto y en banca rota americana, o se les sanciona en lo que sea necesario para hacer daño.
Iran, Russia dump dollar for rial, ruble
Sun Jan 8, 2012 7:19PM GMT
Russian ruble notes (file photo)
Iranian Ambassador to Moscow Seyyed Reza Sajjadi says Iran and Russia have turned to their national hard currencies instead of the American dollar in reciprocal trade exchanges.
Sajjadi said on Saturday that the proposal for the replacement of the US dollar with the Iranian rial and Russian ruble was raised during a meeting between Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev and his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the sidelines of the 11th meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) last June.
Permanent SCO members include China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Iran, along with India, Mongolia and Pakistan, is an observer state to the intergovernmental mutual-security organization.
The Iranian envoy said Tehran and Moscow switched to their national currencies in preference after the meeting between their presidents.
Sajjadi also pointed to Russia' strong opposition to sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program, saying Russians have clearly announced that they will not accept fresh anti-Iran bids that target the country's Central Bank and financial institutions.
He also described new US sanctions against Iran as “illegal and unilateral”, stressing that Russia has at times called for a peaceful solution to Iran's atomic case through negotiations.
On December 31, US President Barack Obama signed into law fresh economic sanctions against Iran's Central Bank in an apparent bid to punish foreign companies and banks that do business with the Iranian financial institution.
The bill requires foreign financial firms to make a choice between doing business with Iran's Central Bank and oil sector or with the US financial sector.
The legislation will not take effect for six months in a bid to provide oil markets with time to adjust.
Meanwhile, energy experts say sanctions could lead to a major hike in crude oil prices and disrupt the interests of the US and its allies that depend on oil imports from Iran.
Facing major economic troubles, the United States is reportedly the world's largest debtor nation.
domingo, 8 de enero de 2012
Derecho a defenderse
Cuando una potencia imperialista y criminal como USA:
.- Te coloca a un agente suyo como jefe de estado
.- Te monta operaciones especiales en tu territorio soberano y fracasa
.- Te monta revoluciones supuestamente democráticas y fracasa
.- Financia todo tipo de movimiento y elementos para desestabilizar tu gobierno
.- Critica tu independencia, lo que opinas y te amenaza por ello.
.- Te coloca en "su"lista negra de países malvados
.- Te coloca como gobierno terrorista por criticar a Israel y sus sionismo
.- Te censura por decir que Israel es una potencia atómica.
.- Te hace el vacío en la ONU y te difama para que no se oiga tu voz, con la complicidad de la prensa
.- Te acusa de terrorismo, y te imputa sin pruebas en atentados sin resolver
.- Toma sanciones económicas unilaterales sin justificación legal alguna
.- Te prohibe quejarte y defenderte por ello.
.- Te prohibe ser libre y generar tu propia energía
.- Anhela tus recursos
.- Asesina a tus cientificos
.- Monta atentados terroristas en tu pais
.- Te amenaza si no les dejas pasar por tus aguas territoriales
.- Te acusa de lo que sea y te amenaza con una guerra desproporcionada, ilegal y criminal
Nos lo creemos todo, y con la connivencia de la prensa atlantista cuela el mensaje de que IRAN son los malos.
Los malos son los otros.
Cualquier país soberano tiene derecho a defenderse, y a armarse para defender su libertad e independencia.
Si USA entabla con su socio Israel esta nueva aventura militarista, belicosa y suicida, que nadie se espere que Iran se cruzará de brazos.
Habrá represalias, y a su vez más guerra y más represalias.
Estaremos en los albores de una gran guerra? la tercera guerra mundial?
Todo apunta a ello: la economía la necesita, los países en banca rota la piden, los lobbys la piden, la banca la desea, las petroleras la desean, la industria armamentística la necesita, Israel quiere más poder y odia a Irán, los paises del golfo temen a Iran y quieren debilitarlo...
El amigo Obama entre otros usaron la responsabilidad de proteger para cometer sus atrocidades. R2P.
¿Acaso un país soberano no tiene esa responsabilidad ante unos belicistas como estos?
¿O es que el matón de la clase ya no le puede parar nadie y le dejamos que nos pegue más fuerte sin decirselo a nadie?
USA ya ha mentido mil y una vez para fabricarse su historia, y justificar lo injustificable. Ya lo estamos viendo y lo hemos visto con Iran.
Seguirá el mundo impasible ante estos locos que sólo ven guerras y muerte?
Seguirá el mundo impasible ante las violaciones de la legalidad internacional más básica, ante el derecho y ante la justicia mundial?
Seguiremos pensando que son nuestros salvadores y los defensores de la libertad y la democracia?
.- Te coloca a un agente suyo como jefe de estado
.- Te monta operaciones especiales en tu territorio soberano y fracasa
.- Te monta revoluciones supuestamente democráticas y fracasa
.- Financia todo tipo de movimiento y elementos para desestabilizar tu gobierno
.- Critica tu independencia, lo que opinas y te amenaza por ello.
.- Te coloca en "su"lista negra de países malvados
.- Te coloca como gobierno terrorista por criticar a Israel y sus sionismo
.- Te censura por decir que Israel es una potencia atómica.
.- Te hace el vacío en la ONU y te difama para que no se oiga tu voz, con la complicidad de la prensa
.- Te acusa de terrorismo, y te imputa sin pruebas en atentados sin resolver
.- Toma sanciones económicas unilaterales sin justificación legal alguna
.- Te prohibe quejarte y defenderte por ello.
.- Te prohibe ser libre y generar tu propia energía
.- Anhela tus recursos
.- Asesina a tus cientificos
.- Monta atentados terroristas en tu pais
.- Te amenaza si no les dejas pasar por tus aguas territoriales
.- Te acusa de lo que sea y te amenaza con una guerra desproporcionada, ilegal y criminal
Nos lo creemos todo, y con la connivencia de la prensa atlantista cuela el mensaje de que IRAN son los malos.
Los malos son los otros.
Cualquier país soberano tiene derecho a defenderse, y a armarse para defender su libertad e independencia.
Si USA entabla con su socio Israel esta nueva aventura militarista, belicosa y suicida, que nadie se espere que Iran se cruzará de brazos.
Habrá represalias, y a su vez más guerra y más represalias.
Estaremos en los albores de una gran guerra? la tercera guerra mundial?
Todo apunta a ello: la economía la necesita, los países en banca rota la piden, los lobbys la piden, la banca la desea, las petroleras la desean, la industria armamentística la necesita, Israel quiere más poder y odia a Irán, los paises del golfo temen a Iran y quieren debilitarlo...
El amigo Obama entre otros usaron la responsabilidad de proteger para cometer sus atrocidades. R2P.
¿Acaso un país soberano no tiene esa responsabilidad ante unos belicistas como estos?
¿O es que el matón de la clase ya no le puede parar nadie y le dejamos que nos pegue más fuerte sin decirselo a nadie?
USA ya ha mentido mil y una vez para fabricarse su historia, y justificar lo injustificable. Ya lo estamos viendo y lo hemos visto con Iran.
Seguirá el mundo impasible ante estos locos que sólo ven guerras y muerte?
Seguirá el mundo impasible ante las violaciones de la legalidad internacional más básica, ante el derecho y ante la justicia mundial?
Seguiremos pensando que son nuestros salvadores y los defensores de la libertad y la democracia?
Hace cuatro años anuncié lo de Urdangarin
Hace cuatro años anuncié lo de Urdangarin
Iñaki, no el de la princesa, sino el del PNV, nos ilumina con sus experiencias parlamentarias y la casa Real española.
Siria: otro concepto equivocado
Syria: another misconception
SYRIA, the heart of the Middle East, in both a geostrategic and nationalist context. It shares borders with Iraq, Lebanon (where it has bases), Israel, Turkey and Iran, with which last country it has a strong alliance, recently confirmed by Iranian President Ahmadinejad in the context of the current heightened European and U.S. aggression against Syria, when he stated that Iran will not permit any foreign injustice there.
Syria has always been a staunch defender of Palestine, with more than 472,000 refugees from that country, and lost its territory of the Golan Heights to Israel, occupied by this country during its expansionist war of 1967, and a territory it still reclaims.
The Syrian Constitution of 1973 officially defines the country as a secular socialist state, with Islam recognized as the majority religion. Since then it has succeeded in maintaining a stable multi-religious nation, including Coptic Christians and Jews, as well as other Muslim denominations, with a steady economic and social development, despite sanctions imposed by the United States in the late 1970s, when it was first listed as a state sponsor of terrorism.
Its geostrategic and nationalist position has placed Syria in the sights of the United States and European allies with two objectives: firstly, to weaken resistance to its regional gendarme Israel and further isolate Iran, and secondly to further its battle to control the Middle East and the region’s oil supplies.
The outbreak of violence in Syria this past March, as in the case of Libya, was neither spontaneous or essentially nationalist in content, but it enabled the United States to take advantage of the winds of change in the region, affording it a perceived and long desired opportunity to replace the current Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad with one more compliant to its requirements.
While a genuine national opposition in Syria exists, from the outset the civil conflict in the country was fuelled from external forces entering from neighboring Egypt and Turkey. All of the clashes between government forces and the so-called opposition initially occurred in the vicinity of its borders, in a replication of Libya’s Benghazi. Unsurprisingly, there is very little information available on Internet about this infiltration of elite forces, precisely intended to cause destabilization in the country. But, in general terms, the opposition is highly split, lacks a popular program or a coherent ideology, and has as its leader a Syrian previously exiled in France.
In the context of this national conflict, Syria has engaged in a policy of nationwide popular consultation directed at constitutional reforms in order to hold parliamentary elections in February of 2012 – with presidential elections scheduled for 2014 – in conjunction with social reforms and negotiations for a peaceful solution, while insisting on its sovereignty in the resolution of national problems. In November it lodged a formal complaint against the United States for intervention in its internal affairs.
As was the case in Libya, the corporate media has played its premeditated role, particularly since the outbreak of armed violence in Syria. Initially it deliberately confused civilian detentions with the arrest of persons involved in acts of violence against the state and, as the situation developed, civilian deaths with those of members of terrorist groups and the Syrian armed forces.
Post-Libya, this disinformation campaign increased, paralleling the intoxication of the European neocolonial powers within NATO and the United States at having bent the United Nations to their will of destroying that country without having to send in ground forces, and anticipating the extension of this ‘successful’ new model of war to Syria.
Growing mass rallies of support for the Syrian government in Damascus and other major cities were ignored. Recent news reports of thousands of civilian deaths, accepted by the UN and Amnesty International, have been grossly exaggerated, with one based on no more than a telephone survey of alleged fatalities of Syrians who are on fact fully alive. Protests against Arab League intervention at the end of November led to an eruption of popular support with demonstrations of more than 1.6 million citizens. These were met with silence.
In the sobering wake of the Libyan disaster, the support of Russia, China and other emerging countries for a peaceful regional solution to the Syrian conflict has deterred a military intervention, but harsh UN sanctions are in place and the Arab League in its compliant majority has been actively mobilized to further and legitimize an imperialist intervention in the perception of international public opinion.
On December 7, President Bashar al-Assad intelligently granted an interview in Damascus to Barbara Walters of the American ABC news channel. Described by ABC as unexpected and the first that he had "deigned" to give since the conflict began, her hostile tone was clearly part of a propaganda exercise. At one point in the interview, conducted in English, she asked him, "What do you think is the biggest misconception that my country has of what's happening here, if indeed there is a misconception?
President al-Assad’s perceptive reply was, "Misconception about a lot of things…it's so many facts, distorted facts, you have them in the media. But the most important thing, as accumulation of these facts, is that you don't have vision. The problem with the West in general, especially the United States, is that they don't have vision about – at least my region, I wouldn't talk about the rest of the world – failing in Iraq, failing in Afghanistan, failing in fighting terrorism."
SYRIA, the heart of the Middle East, in both a geostrategic and nationalist context. It shares borders with Iraq, Lebanon (where it has bases), Israel, Turkey and Iran, with which last country it has a strong alliance, recently confirmed by Iranian President Ahmadinejad in the context of the current heightened European and U.S. aggression against Syria, when he stated that Iran will not permit any foreign injustice there.
Syria has always been a staunch defender of Palestine, with more than 472,000 refugees from that country, and lost its territory of the Golan Heights to Israel, occupied by this country during its expansionist war of 1967, and a territory it still reclaims.
The Syrian Constitution of 1973 officially defines the country as a secular socialist state, with Islam recognized as the majority religion. Since then it has succeeded in maintaining a stable multi-religious nation, including Coptic Christians and Jews, as well as other Muslim denominations, with a steady economic and social development, despite sanctions imposed by the United States in the late 1970s, when it was first listed as a state sponsor of terrorism.
Its geostrategic and nationalist position has placed Syria in the sights of the United States and European allies with two objectives: firstly, to weaken resistance to its regional gendarme Israel and further isolate Iran, and secondly to further its battle to control the Middle East and the region’s oil supplies.
The outbreak of violence in Syria this past March, as in the case of Libya, was neither spontaneous or essentially nationalist in content, but it enabled the United States to take advantage of the winds of change in the region, affording it a perceived and long desired opportunity to replace the current Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad with one more compliant to its requirements.
While a genuine national opposition in Syria exists, from the outset the civil conflict in the country was fuelled from external forces entering from neighboring Egypt and Turkey. All of the clashes between government forces and the so-called opposition initially occurred in the vicinity of its borders, in a replication of Libya’s Benghazi. Unsurprisingly, there is very little information available on Internet about this infiltration of elite forces, precisely intended to cause destabilization in the country. But, in general terms, the opposition is highly split, lacks a popular program or a coherent ideology, and has as its leader a Syrian previously exiled in France.
In the context of this national conflict, Syria has engaged in a policy of nationwide popular consultation directed at constitutional reforms in order to hold parliamentary elections in February of 2012 – with presidential elections scheduled for 2014 – in conjunction with social reforms and negotiations for a peaceful solution, while insisting on its sovereignty in the resolution of national problems. In November it lodged a formal complaint against the United States for intervention in its internal affairs.
As was the case in Libya, the corporate media has played its premeditated role, particularly since the outbreak of armed violence in Syria. Initially it deliberately confused civilian detentions with the arrest of persons involved in acts of violence against the state and, as the situation developed, civilian deaths with those of members of terrorist groups and the Syrian armed forces.
Post-Libya, this disinformation campaign increased, paralleling the intoxication of the European neocolonial powers within NATO and the United States at having bent the United Nations to their will of destroying that country without having to send in ground forces, and anticipating the extension of this ‘successful’ new model of war to Syria.
Growing mass rallies of support for the Syrian government in Damascus and other major cities were ignored. Recent news reports of thousands of civilian deaths, accepted by the UN and Amnesty International, have been grossly exaggerated, with one based on no more than a telephone survey of alleged fatalities of Syrians who are on fact fully alive. Protests against Arab League intervention at the end of November led to an eruption of popular support with demonstrations of more than 1.6 million citizens. These were met with silence.
In the sobering wake of the Libyan disaster, the support of Russia, China and other emerging countries for a peaceful regional solution to the Syrian conflict has deterred a military intervention, but harsh UN sanctions are in place and the Arab League in its compliant majority has been actively mobilized to further and legitimize an imperialist intervention in the perception of international public opinion.
On December 7, President Bashar al-Assad intelligently granted an interview in Damascus to Barbara Walters of the American ABC news channel. Described by ABC as unexpected and the first that he had "deigned" to give since the conflict began, her hostile tone was clearly part of a propaganda exercise. At one point in the interview, conducted in English, she asked him, "What do you think is the biggest misconception that my country has of what's happening here, if indeed there is a misconception?
President al-Assad’s perceptive reply was, "Misconception about a lot of things…it's so many facts, distorted facts, you have them in the media. But the most important thing, as accumulation of these facts, is that you don't have vision. The problem with the West in general, especially the United States, is that they don't have vision about – at least my region, I wouldn't talk about the rest of the world – failing in Iraq, failing in Afghanistan, failing in fighting terrorism."
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